Fuck Rangerboard!

Rangerbuoard Censorship

by Meteo M. Archon

Rangerboard, with Censorship seeping out the Crackeds. For those who don't know, Rangerboard is just some... bizarre Forum floating around without a website, How does that work?

Rangerboard has Fanboys, Haters, and a MASSIVE ADD Problem. FOr Instance, they had April Fools Pranks on April 16th, 23rd, even a few going into May 2nd. How smart is that, when everyone, even some downright STEW-PID people know when April Fools is on?

ANd another thing, they Censor. A lot, past the point where they delete yer dissenting opinion, past the point where they suspend you for seemingly no reason, past when it's a joke, past even when it looks like just one of those things people make up as a ridiculously huge number "one-up" opinion, past when George W. Bush starts caring.

Seriously, if Banning ONCE is "Censorship" or "A New Era of Cryptofacism", then all these bouts of censorship, labelling and 20+ Bans, sometimes of the same people per week, and different cutesy Ban'slang words that exist ONLY in the true BILGE are what could seriously give you a fucking Brain Aneurysm in the next five seconds from reading a few molecules of the letter "F" of the hated, banned and censored word "Fuck" in this sentence, or the little gust of air that comes just after it.

Yes, this all happens, to such an unbelievably traumatizing amount. Don't believe me? I would post a picture up, showing an example of Censorship, or Net Stupidity, but Rangerboard even Censors THAT, and in 2010, they sometimes just blocked you from seeing the PAGE.

Gets better. SOme poor fart's wife was banne dfrom Rangerboard, and she didn't even have an account there. And they, with some misinformed Nazi Sympathesizers, try to pass this off as "oh the mods at Rangerboard just have a sense of humor". Which, even if that were true, is the kind of jackassery that puts you in a FlufFEetalks video, shitty senses of humor like that, and the massive, sometimes self-inflicted damage that comes from such things, is stupid, and probably why you shouldn't go without a vasectomy and a sock to the jaw, much less try and pass dangerous stunts off as "Enlightened Comedy".

Case in point, check out this poor Bastard: thefranklin. He's not terribly good, and if you were to see him, you'd probably be bored and uninterested by his poor spelling, and how he clumsily wanders from post to post. But while this might be enough to think poorly of him, the Rangerboard Nazis seriously OVERREACT, and worse, JUST MAKE SHIT UP about him.

They aren't happy with saying "oh, this guy stumbles like a Drunk on Valium through this meandering opinion and he spells like an 8-year old", no, they actively hounded and censored his barely-literate Ass.

They called him a "Troll". oh, how Creative, which is how we're unintentionally lumped in with him and forced to guard ourselves, poor, gentle bastard readers, let me learn ya'a little History Lesson, since rarely does anyone even KNOW what this retarded Net-Cliche it (yet they label and with-hunt people over it...), some rumoured that this damn piece of shit first popped up in the late 80s', on olde USENET, then some in the mid-1990s started using it as a Cutesy, Eccentric Cliche, that occasionally was accurate, had some Fantasy-Sci-fi connotations, and was supposed to be kooky. Then it began to detiorate into assumptions of other people being absolutely stupid, pranks were assumed to be Trolling, when a few few Geniuses questioned whether one *WAS* a Troll, or if Trolls even existed, and weren't just being a shitload of retarded made up by goofy Bandwagon joiners, the Generalizations pile up, all this led to Prejudice, Hypocrisy, and Digital Witch-Hunts, whereas peols typically just hysterically accused others of being trolls, tried to round up, hassle, terrorize and kill them, and made up all these COnspiracy Theories of elaborate Trolls with Smart/Dumb/Smart-and-Dumb (<---Can't even make up their minds about that) mentalities, and elaborate schemes few people even have the Patience to read, let alone plot, carry out, or spot.

And they do this a LOT at Rangerboard; Witch-hunts, Excess Banning, and Bandwagons of ADD Fanboyism.

i'm just gonna put a stop to this now. TheFranklin is a known troll. you are just here to start trouble. again, as you have done so many times in the past. so i ask that everyone remember rule #14- Do not argue with trolls, it means that they win.

Since you seem to love cute little kitschy rules and urban legends, I have something for you, generic babbling hick with the IQ of an Evening in Ontario, in 1-2-3:

1: The damn Cliche leads to Accusations, Prejudice, and Mass-Censorship and attacking people for Jokes and Opinions. Even when it's aimed at shitheads, these same sad nmad loads of Dumbshit Slinging do the same discriminatory, flatulent Prejudiced things, and really, with the supposed "elaborate schemes", soandso is really this TROLL MASTERMIND, and yer inability to spell, You can't say there is such a thing as "knowing" with Trolls, much less point the finger of blame at one, much less act like this has anythign to do with knowledge or history, except how Non-Geeks using the WWW are apparently unable to capitalize or punctuate their sentences, refrain from hopping onto Internet Bandwagons, Cliches, and Discimination Trains, and first, Who the FUCK said they "WIN"or "LOSE" anything?!? Because yer assuming a competition and cliched term and series of mischief that aren't there, way to confabulate an entire scenario, campaign and worldview from nothing, you Miserable Piece of Shit.

2: Yeah, because it's always the supposed "Troll" who's to blame. It's never the douches and illiterate fuckrabbits, joiners and power-hungry Forum Cops who are responsible.

3: Advocating Ignorance... I have to fucking hand it to you, that *IS* something Rangerboard endorses whole-heartedly.

oh yeah, they also make up little retarded terms liek "Double-Posting" and "Triple-Posting", and act like they're these little polyfacetted gems illustrating classic faux pas, and malodorus SINs of the UNCLEAN, when they're uninteresting and stupid to the point I have to invent backstories for these cockgoblins just so it's remotely readable enough to consider, let alone accept.

And poor Kaigan and Sylvia... They were Hyperpolycensored for 1,000,000s of 13,260,000,000s of Millenia past 1,835 superclusters of Galaxies in the Phantom Zone Go-Gurt Twitter-Wanking Prison of Hipster Shitheads, my heart goes out to those poor little Rape Victims, and the gay-bashed queers and those who dared to stand up against, and attack the Forum Cops and Elitists of the 2005 flamewars.

And RANGERBOARD, Stop attacking those GODDAMN people making comments, STOP Labelling, going on Witch-Hunts, Tangents and Kevin Costner, and Kiss the ass of Cheez-Lovin' REAL Power Ranger Fans who rarely stray beyond a 'PG' Rating.