
This was another musing by Starfleet Corps of Engineers Veterans Commander Rupert Branch and Lieutenant Commander Walter Rubinche, both of whom, in 3/0312.30 (December 30th, 2364) with Rear Admiral Rima Carns, upon witnessing sensor readings and CG recreation of the Type B D'Deridex-Class Warbird, musingly doodled several different designs combining the Galaxy and D'Deridex-Class, semi-seriously wondering if this could be the future of Starfleet Design. While the resulting "Hydra" Class did not get accepted, Rupert and Walter periodically thought of the Design, and in 3/1201.04 (January 4th, 2373), returned to the idea and came up with a compacted design descending from it: the Kathmandu-Class Strike Cruiser, to quickly provide Starfleet with a Rapid Response and Picket Ship against the Dominion. While this one also got rejected, it was taken more seriously, as it honestly seemed like a better thought-out design, making use of more space and weaponry to truly accelerate tactical capabilities.

Ship Data

Construction Data:

Class- XIV

Model- Mk I

Date Entering Service- 3/1201.04 (January 4th, 2373)

Number Produced- None; - Conjectural Ship

Superstructure- 38

Damage Chart- C

Dimensional Data:

Length- 559.68 meters

Width- 369.4 meters

Height- 136 meters

Weight- 300,000 mt

Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None

Control Computer Type- I-6

Stealth Device Type- FECM-2

Power to Activate- 1

Modifier- +2

Cargo Data:

Cargo Capacity- 1200 SCUs

Metric Tonnage- 60,000 mt

Transporter Data:

7-person- 8

12-person Combat- 8

Cargo, Small- 4

Personnel Data:

Crew- 450

Passengers- 45

Troops- 250

Shuttlecraft- 12

Shuttlepods- 16

Runabouts/Fighters- 6

Workpods- 6

Engine Data:

Total Power- 120

Movement Point Ratio- 4/1

Warp Engine Type- FWO-1

Number- 2

Power Provided- 40 ea

Stress Charts- D/E

Cruising Speed- Warp 9.2

Emergency Speed- Warp 9.3

Impulse Engine Type- FIG-3

Power Provided- 40

Weapons Data:

Beam Weapon Type- FH-23

Number- 13

Firing Arcs- 8 f/p/s, 2p, 2s, 1a

Firing Chart- Y

Max Beam Power- 16


+3- 1-11

+2- 12-20

+1- 21-24

Heavy Weapon Type- FP-12

Number- 10

Firing Arcs- 2f, 3 f/p, 3 f/s, 2a

Firing Chart- Y

Power to Arm- 1

Damage- 15

Defensive System Data:

Defense Shield Type- FSZ

Shield Point Ratio- 1/6

Max Shield Power- 48

Balance Codes:

D- 213.1

WDF- 314.2

Class and Type: Kathmandu-Class Strike Cruiser

Commissioning Date: 2373

Hull Characteristics

Size: 8

Resistance: 4

Structural Points: 160

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 450/45/250/10000 [8 Power/Round]

Computers: 6 [6 Power/Round]

Transporters: 8 Personnel, 8 Assault, 4 Cargo [10 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 ad, 1 av, 1 fd, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Engines and Power Data

Warp System: 6.0/9.2/9.3 (12 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .75c/.92c [7/9 Power/Round]

Power: 170

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +2/17 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +2/1 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +2 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 5

Weapons Characteristics

Type X Phaser

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: All (720 degrees)

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 20

Power: [20]

Type XII Photon Torpedoes

Number: 200

Launchers: 1 ad, 1 fv

Spread: 8

Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000

Arc: Forward and Aft, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 20

Power: [5]

Weapon Skill: 5

Defensive Characteristics

Type VI Deflector Shield

Protection: 60/80

Power: [60]