
Newport Class X Light Frigate


Developed to be a more modernized 2Xl/3X Light Frigate, and to fill a gap on the frontier for medium-range defense ships, the Newport-Class has decent troop and sensor capability, which helped it against the Tholians, Talarians, Cardassians and Tzenkethi, and although they were secondary combat ship in the Dominion War, they still kept up somewhat technologically compared to older ships such as the Miranda and Andor Classes.

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Mk I

Ship Class- X

Date Entering Service- 2/7902.01 (February 1st, 2340)

Number Constructed- 40

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 38

Damage Chart- C


Length- 293 meters

Width- 190 meters

Height- 87 meters

Weight- 150,000 tons


Cargo Units- 650 units

Cargo Capacity- 32,500 tons

Landing Capability- None

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- I-3

Cloaking Device Type- None

Power To Activate- N/A


Standard 7-person- 2

Combat 12-person- 4

Emergency 22-person- 3

cargo large- 3

cargo small- 2

Other Data:

Crew- 563

Passengers- 60

Troops- 150

Shuttlecraft- 4

Shuttlepods- 2

Assault Shuttles- 2

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 76

Movement Point Ratio- 4/1

Warp Engine Type- FWN-2

Number- 2

Power Provided- 26 ea

Stress Charts- A/A

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Warp 9

Emergency Speed- Warp 9.2

Impulse Engine Type- FIG-1

Impulse Engine Output- 24

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- FH-20

Number- 10

Firing Arcs- 8 f/p/s, 2a

Firing Chart- Y

Max Beam Power- 10


+3 - (1-11)

+2 - (12-20)

+1 - (21-24)

Missile Weapon Type- FP-4

Number- 4

Firing Arcs- 2 f/p/s, 2 a/p/s

Firing Chart- S

Power To Arm- 1

Damage- 20

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- FSS

Shield Point Ratio- 1/4

Maximum Shield Power- 20

Defense Factor- 106.0

Weapon Damage Factor- 159.0

And for LUG

Class and Type: Newport-Class Light Frigate

Commissioning Date: 2340

Hull Characteristics

Size: 5

Resistance: 3

Structural Points: 100

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 563/60/150/3865 [7 Power/Round]

Computers: 3 [3 Power/Round]

Transporters: 2 Personnel, 4 Assault, 5 Cargo, 3 Emergency [7 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Propulsion Characteristics

Warp System: 5.0/9.0/9.2 (6 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .7c/.9c [7/9 Power/Round]

Power: 115

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +1/15 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +1/1 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 4

Tactical Data

Type VIII Phaser

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: All (720 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 16

Power: [16]

Type II Photon Torpedoes

Number: 160

Launchers: 1 ad, 1 fv

Spread: 4

Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000

Arc: Forward and Aft, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 20

Power: [5]

Weapon Skill: 4

Defensive Data:

Type IV Deflector Shield

Protection: 48/70

Power: [48]