
Invisorator Class XII Heavy Battlecruiser

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Mk I

Ship Class- XII

Date Entering Service- 2503

Number Constructed- 16

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 120

Damage Chart- C


Length- 182 meters

Width- 146 meters

Height- 40 meters

Weight- 206,150 tons


Cargo Units- 252 units

Cargo Capacity- 12,600 tons

Landing Capability- Yes

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- QS-5

Cloaking Device Type- UCCA

Power To Activate- 6


Standard 8-person- 2

Combat 25-person- 4

Emergency 26-person- 3

cargo large- 2

cargo small- 2

Other Data:

Crew- 320

Passengers- 40

Troops- 125

Shuttlecraft- 6

Shuttlepods- 6

Cargo Shuttles/Runabouts- 2

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 330

Movement Point Ratio- 5/1

Warp Engine Type- UCQSSA-1

Number- 12

Power Provided- 24 ea

Stress Charts- XG/XH

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Slip 3

Emergency Speed- Slip 5

Impulse Engine Type- UEID-2

Impulse Engine Output- 42

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- UCC-7

Number- 8

Firing Arcs- 8 f/p/s

Firing Chart- X

Max Beam Power- 24


+2 - (1-14)

+1 - (15-22)

Drone Rack Type- UCDN-1

Number- 18 per Rack (plus; - 9 anti-drones)

Racks- 5

MUs- 9

Endurance- 8 turns

Power To Arm- 1

Damage- 26 ea

Heavy Weapon Type- UCHD-4

Number- 12

Firing Arcs- 6 f/p/s, 6 a/p/s

Firing Chart- X

Power To Arm- 6

Damage- 60

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- UCSR

Shield Point Ratio- 1/16

Maximum Shield Power- 180

Defense Factor- 1,120.7

Weapon Damage Factor- 1,440.0


The Invisorator was a prototype Battlecruiser, designed by the Coalition Corps. of Engineers for an improved combat Vessel that was cheap, and power efficient, resulting in a newer vessel, that gradually managed to force back the devastating True Ones Ships, and help update the fleet with improved combat vessels with more recent systems, including the devastating UCHD-4 Hadron Torpedo, which, like the FP-4 of centuries before, was devastating, and easily outgunned many enemy ships, quickly making it's way to the majority of new designs.

Ships Commissioned

NCC-210275 USS Invisorator ("Fanged Clamps", Testing 2588, Dc 2622)

NCC-210281 USS Incisor ("Select Blade", Dc 2586)

NCC-210285 USS Incalamarain ("Luminescent Hunter", T 2589, Dc 2649)

NCC-210314 USS Inintervening ("Gloved Intercept", Sc 2579)

NCC-210346 USS Inconvienient ("Destructive Reality", Dc 2568)

NCC-210364 USS Intolerable ("Stormraiser", Testing 2570, Dc 2596)

NCC-210375 USS Incatamaran ("Brought Together", Dc 2596)

NCC-210376 USS Inholographic ("More Tangible", Dc 2568)

NCC-210394 USS Ingemmed ("Motherlode of Emerald Prizes", Testing 2584, Dc 2614)

NCC-210400 USS Invulnerable ("Teminator", Dc 2635)

NCC-210404 USS Incollins ("Inquisitive Record-keeper", Dc 2648)

NCC-210414 USS Intransition ("Constantly Moving", Dc 2597)

NCC-210485 USS Inredeemer ("Frowning Down" Dc 2698)

NCC-210496 USS Incauldron ("Bubbling Broth", Sc 2429)

NCC-210497 USS Incamboro ("Prepped Stables", D 2625)

NCC-210498 USS Inconsolable ("Unforgiving Sleet", Sc 2688)

NCC-210499 USS Incalcifiable ("Softer than Mineral", S 2640)