

The V-67 was developed alongside 24-36 other classes when the Khitomer Accords were signed, and the Romulans were fearing more Klingon Fleet Buildup at the Romulan Border. Being a slightly more durable, lightly armed ship with a more efficient cloaking device, 36 were built from 2297-2300, often duelling Klingon ships, and once, during a brief period of Romulan-IKS cooperation in 2309, one of these V-67s and an IKS D-22 Squadron duelled with three Klingon D-32 Class Light Cruisers, destroying one and capturing another, before the third escaped. Soon after, the IKS abruptly ceased interaction with the Romulans, seeming to forget and anticipate a stronger friendship.

The vessels were utterly useless against the Taurhai, and the last of the Class were destroyed against the Taurhai to buy the Star Navy time for developing stronger 4th Generation Hulls in 2318.