Shipkit Sites

The Shipkit is a bunch of Graphic Files showing different ship parts in a particular category. There's one for Saucers, one for Stardrives, one for Nacelles, and several others for various things. You photomanipulate the parts together to make new ships.

Fabrux's Site

Fabrux did up a bunch of new ships made with the Shipkit 2.2, which you can download form there. For some reason, that version of the shipkit doesn't have any TOS-era parts. And in the Non-Canon Ships section, he made new visual designs for the TNG Officer's Manual ships.

Ptzue Colony

Bob Doughboy and Iflap's site, where they, Admiral Trekkieman, Gorn Admiral and others made the first version of the Shipkit, and there were some galleries there, only some of which are accessible by the web archive, also, on the Memory Eta website, there's information on his insane web comedy series called Holy Poop! The Little Bob Chronicles.

Starbase SDL

Home of Shipkit 2.0, with Maquis Fighter, Federation-Class DN and other ships parts added. All three of these sites have different (earlier) versions of the Shipkit that are downloadable with the Web Archive.

And here is the latest Version of the Shipkit, Version 4.5, with Alien Ship, Top View, Front View, and Deck Plan Sections.