
Bajoran Komaka Class XI Heavy Cruiser

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Mk I

Ship Class- XI

Date Entering Service- 3/1005.25 (May 25th, 2371)

Number Constructed- 28

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 50

Damage Chart- B


Length- 330 meters

Width- 180 meters

Height- 75 meters

Weight- 169,330 tons


Cargo Units- 500 units

Cargo Capacity- 25,000 tons

Landing Capability- None

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- BJTC-5

Cloaking Device Type- None

Power To Activate- N/A


Standard 6-person- 2

Combat 15-person- 3

Emergency 12-person- 2

cargo large- 3

cargo small- 5

Other Data:

Crew- 275

Passengers- 75

Troops- 180

Shuttlecraft- 5

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 88

Movement Point Ratio- 5/1

Warp Engine Type- BJWD-3

Number- 2

Power Provided- 36 ea

Stress Charts- B/E

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Warp 6

Emergency Speed- Warp 8

Impulse Engine Type- BJID-2

Impulse Engine Output- 16

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- BJH-8

Number- 9

Firing Arcs- 3 f/p, 3 f/s, 3a

Firing Chart- Y

Max Beam Power- 7


+3 - (1-8)

+2 - (9-18)

+1 - (19-24)

Missile Weapon Type- BJP-2

Number- 3

Firing Arcs- f

Firing Chart- Q

Power To Arm- 1

Damage- 10

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- BJSJ

Shield Point Ratio- 1/3

Maximum Shield Power- 16

Defense Factor- 106.8

Weapon Damage Factor- 85.5

And for LUG

BMS Virmepha

Class and Type: Komaka-Class Heavy Cruiser

Commissioning Date: 2371

Hull Characteristics

Size: 4

Resistance: 3

Structural Points: 80

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 275/75/180/2650 [7 Power/Round]

Computers: 3 [3 Power/Round]

Transporters: 2 Personnel, 3 Assault, 8 Cargo, 2 Emergency [7 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Propulsion Characteristics

Warp System: 5.0/6.0/8.0 (8 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .6c/.8c [6/8 Power/Round]

Power: 125

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +1/15 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +1/1 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 4

Tactical Data

Type VIII Bajoran Phaser

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: All (720 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 12

Power: [12]

Type II Bajoran Torpedoes

Number: 180

Launchers: 1 fv

Spread: 6

Range: 14/300,000/1,000,000/3,250,000

Arc: Forward, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 18

Power: [5]

Weapon Skill: 4

Defensive Data:

Type IIIa Deflector Shield

Protection: 40/50

Power: [40]


The Komaka-Class was a new, longer-range patrol vessel, as well as supplementing the Ambassador-Class Heavy Cruiser built by Starfleet for the Bajorans in Exploration Missions, mostly into the Gamma Quadrant, and it played a major role in making Bajoran Warpships common. It was named for a series of southwest short round mountains on Bajor, rumored to have been a place where the Prophets dwelled, and the Komakas were produced at a rate of 2 per year.