Klingon KDK-1 Ho'lahe (Fanged Soul) Class VIII Light Escort

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Type A

Ship Class- VIII

Date Entering Service- 2/7506.20 (June 20th, 2336)

Number Constructed- 56

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 37

Damage Chart- C


Length- 397 meters

Width- 170 meters

Height- 68 meters

Weight- 142,000 tons


Cargo Units- 50 units

Cargo Capacity- 2,500 tons

Landing Capability- Yes

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- ZD-7

Cloaking Device Type- KCC

Power To Activate- 32


Standard 4-person- 2

Combat 10-person- 4

Emergency 13-person- 2

cargo large- 0

cargo small- 2

Other Data:

Crew- 110

Passengers- 15

Troops- 75

Shuttlecraft- 2

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 59

Movement Point Ratio- 7/1

Warp Engine Type- KTWA-1

Number- 1

Power Provided- 36

Stress Charts- D/F

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Warp 11

Emergency Speed- Warp 13

Impulse Engine Type- KIJ-3

Impulse Engine Output- 23

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- KD-14

Number- 4

Firing Arcs- 4 f/p/s

Firing Chart- D

Max Beam Power- 8


+2 - (1-6)

Beam Weapon Type- KD-13

Number- 4

Firing Arcs- 2 p/a, 2 s/a

Firing Chart- X

Max Beam Power- 5


+3 - (1-7)

+2 - (8-15)

+1 - (16-22)

Drone Rack Type- KDN-9/10/11/12/13

Number- 12 per Rack

Racks- 2

MUs- 12/9/15/8/6

Endurance- 7/8/4/9/10 turns

Power To Arm- 1

Damage- 24/15/12/24/30 ea

Missile Weapon Type- KP-7

Number- 3

Firing Arcs- 2f, 1a

Firing Chart- W

Power To Arm- 2

Damage- 20

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- KSS

Shield Point Ratio- 1/3

Maximum Shield Power- 16

Defense Factor- 111.4

Weapon Damage Factor- 74.8

And for LUG

IKS Hov'balth

Class and Type: KDK-1 Ho'Lahe-Class Light Escort

Commissioning Date: 2336

Hull Characteristics

Size: 4

Resistance: 3

Structural Points: 80

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 110/15/75/1000 [6 Power/Round]

Computers: 2 [2 Power/Round]

Transporters: 2 Personnel, 4 Assault, 2 Cargo, 2 Emergency [5 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Propulsion Characteristics

Warp System: 8.0/8.6/9.7 (8 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .6c/.85c [6/8 Power/Round]

Power: 125

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +1/12 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +1/1 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 3

Tactical Data

Type V Disruptor

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: Forward (300 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 14

Power: [14]

Type II Disruptor

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: Full Aft (540 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 8

Power: [8]

Type Long Lance Photon Torpedoes

Number: 90

Launchers: 1 ad, 2 fv

Spread: 3

Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000

Arc: Forward and Aft, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 20

Power: [6]

Weapon Skill: 4

Defensive Data:

Type IIId Deflector Shield

Protection: 45/55

Power: [45]


This Escort, designed with a single Transwarp Engine, and sometimes operating as a smaller Assault Ship, was surprisingly unmaneuverable, due to designing a large, nearly 400-meter vessel like a smaller 170-meter escort of the 23rd century, and not particularly popular among it's crews, being produced in smaller numbers, and typically being used for short-range station and convoy defense scenarios, mostly against the Cardassians.

Notable Ships:

I.K.S Ho'lahe; - Prototype, I.K.S Dukath; - destroyed engaging Cardassian Sartan-Class Destroyers (2372), I.K.S bIq'von'wI; - destroyed numerous Cardassian and Jem'Hadar Fighters (2374-2375), I.K.S naQ'jej; - was part of 125th assault group against rogue Legate's forces (2377)