
Encyclopedia of obscure important stuff.

By Meteo M. Archon


History of the Internet-

The 1st Age of the Internet is mostly from 1981-2000, a large portion of which was just e-mail, college campus networks, USENET and some limited file upload/download, and in aronud 1988, PRODIGY, COMPUSERVE, and AOL became the 3 big Internet Services.

The 2nd Age of the Internet is from 2001-2030, and is when Cliches, Trendi Dumheads, and Censorship/cyber-witch-hunt cultists/Runaway Facebook becomes like a series of Pandemis on the world; it is THIS that gave this age the monikor "the Stupid Ages" in Futurama.

The 3rd Age of the Internet is from 2030-2100, and involves improved AIs, VR, Websites, Art, and is generally an improvement over Facebook Trendies and Pwning Illiterate Troll-hunting Pukes.

Fourth Wall-

I'm rather miffed of you people making light of the fourth Dimension. And for using Expressions without knowing where they've been.

Mind Data-

Like ZIP Files for the Mind; Many Terabytes, and sometimes Petabytes and Exabytes of data compressed into little dreamlike files, at the core of all thought.

92,160,000,000 ; in Psi or kms = one of the largest stars and waves in the Universe.

Subjectivity Flux-

When things change; mutate in the brain over time, often unintentional.