
Ship Data

Construction Data:

Class- II

Model- A-1

Date Entering Service- 1/7310.27 (October 27th, 2230)

Number Produced- 232

Superstructure- 2

Damage Chart- C

Dimensional Data:

Length- 52 meters

Width- 17 meters

Height- 11 meters

Weight- 7,500 mt

Atmospheric Entry/Landing- Yes

Control Computer Type- Mk II

Stealth Device Type- OECM-1

Power to Activate- 1

Modifier- +1

Cargo Data:

Cargo Capacity- 25 SCUs

Metric Tonnage- 1,250 mt

Transporter Data:

Cargo, Large- 1

Personnel Data:

Crew- 5

Passengers- 11

Shuttlecraft- 1

Engine Data:

Total Power- 7

Movement Point Ratio- 1/2

Warp Engine Type- OWC-1

Number- 1

Power Provided- 6

Stress Charts- E/E

Cruising Speed- Warp 7

Emergency Speed- Warp 8

Impulse Engine Type- OIB-1

Power Provided- 1

Weapons Data:

Beam Weapon Type- OD-2

Number- 2

Firing Arcs- 1p, 1s

Firing Chart- J

Max Beam Power- 3


+2- 1-5

+1- 6-10

Defensive System Data:

Defense Shield Type- OSA

Shield Point Ratio- 1/1

Max Shield Power- 4

Balance Codes:

D- 39.9

WDF- 3.8


The Polliwog-Class was designed soon after the formation of the Orion Pirates out of a need for new-design raider craft, nimble and modular. The vessels were at first not recognized as being Orion, being dubbed "Unidentified Raider Craft", finally, a battle between the USS Enright and two Polliwog-Class Light Raiders occurred in 2243, and one was captured, the Green Oriona aboard discovered and questioned, with some valuable data on the Orion Pirates being discovered.

The Polliwogs quickly became outmoded, and the last three were retired in 2273 after a particularly rough convoy raid in the Triangle.