House: Talin

Imperial - 52%

Human Fusion - 38%

Romulan Fusion - 12%

Population- 4,000

Age- 2,440 years

Epetai- Kiln

Symbol- Red Triangle on Orange Hexagon and Black Triangle, Trifoil on Blood Red, Bronze and Platinum Purple, barely visible


One of the classic, major houses, close, both for and against the Romulans.

House: Korsakk

Imperial - 45%

Human Fusion - 30%

Romulan Fusion - 25%

Population- 2,500

Age- 4,800 years

Epetai- Karn

Symbol- Trifoil on Rounded rectangular slab of Rock with Hissing Swear to Victory on it.


An ancient Titan of the Houses, it has often been a major sponser and supplier of the Navy, both Wet-Navy and the Imperial Navy, although it has been slowly, but undeniably withering from the 2270s-2290s, ultimately becoming a barely effectual withered husk of a vine in the

2350s, with only nine members of this class alive and in administration, the other ninty-three sacrificed themselves in Romulan and Cardassian skirmishes in D-12 Destroyers.

House: Mrixithe

Imperial - 65%

Human Fusion - 30%

Romulan Fusion - 5%

Population- 12,000

Age- 32 years

Epetai- Arion

Symbol- Three-fingered Clawed Gauntlet crushing a Hydran ship and clutching a pair of dice


This house, a strategic and training-heavy house, has often watched the Hydran and Kzinti Borders with interest, and they, with Simparri and Reshtarc, have loudly insisted on, and laid out plans for invasion, and they are also one of the major Fleet Finance Houses, as well as an Internal Security Executive.

House: Mantessien

Imperial - 35%

Human Fusion - 50%

Romulan Fusion - 15%

Population- 35,000

Age- 3,960 years

Epetai- Keene

Symbol- Dragon surrounded by mace and axe


An ancient and productive house, although few in the empire view it as more than a loyal workhorse, and almost no one outside the empie know of it, they often work technical and culinary, although in 2272, around 35 Human-Fusions and 9 Romulan-Fusions have eagerly been working as highly effective Marines, something which has interested three Imperial Admirals overseeing T-5 and T-10 groups, wondering if they could get hold of smaller numbers of higher-effective warriors.

House: Boorg

Imperial - 65%

Human Fusion - 25%

Romulan Fusion - 15%

Population- 9,000

Age- 230 years

Epetai- Kassin

Symbol- Trifoil obscuring a scroll and skull


especially belligerent and varying in their tactics and arsenals, Boorgs don't quite have the best of the Empire in them, although they often are fairly good examples to one and all. They accept Fusions, but are suspicious of non-Klingons.

House: Kaltan

Imperial - 45%

Human Fusion - 5%

Romulan Fusion - 50%

Population- 8,000

Age- 2,180 years

Epetai- Karn

Symbol- Bat'leth and two crooked Swords in front of a Green Triangle.


These members have been ruthlessly plotting and campaigning against the Romulans, balking at the 60s' treaty, although somewhat seeing it's importance, they sometime have spies, Triangle raiders, and attacking warships, not being terribly popular, other than as highly efficient personnel.

House: Lessarek

Imperial - 65%

Human Fusion - 20%

Romulan Fusion - 5%

Other/Hybrids- 10%

Population- 13,600

Age- 4,360 years

Epetai- Kahlen

Symbol- Gauntlet gripping the Trifoil


A strong, and ancient clan descended from pirates and nomadic islanders, they have been heavily into spying, with a few thousand of their number serving as hot-tempered Internal Security and Captains, mostly of Smaller vessels. They have improved their positioni in Administrationa & Shipbuilding since the big Fleet Buildup of the 2280s.

Ed Note-

This is the house Kruge from ST:III is in.