

The Hydrans furthered their development of new weaponry and new ships to carry them as the General War progressed, keeping production at an all-time high. The potent HHB-3 Type Hellbore was significantly more powerful than earlier models, but for at least 3 years, there were power fluctuations and once, a Hellbore Launcher overloaded in the test ship, causing 1/3 of the ship to be destroyed, caugins much testing and retesting, with some fluctuation dampeners and things done to focus the projectile and stabilize the energy in the chamber, it was eventually safe enough to try it on a new warship hull.

The HMS Macer came online in 2/2107.15 (July 15th, 2284), and immediately did well, although a little overpowered with it's single forward-mounted HHB-3, reducing an F-5 to a flaming wreck, and making short work of a Lyran Destroyer Squadron, resulting in production at a rate of 1 per year. The Class remained in service in a picket and reserve role until 3/2110.12 (October 12th, 2382)

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Type 1

Ship Class- IX

Date Entering Service- 2/2107.15 (July 15th, 2284)

Number Constructed- 10

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 26

Damage Chart- C


Length- 336 meters

Width- 130 meters

Height- 40 meters

Weight- 126,640 tons


Cargo Units- 240 units

Cargo Capacity- 12,000 tons

Landing Capability- None

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- HNP-5

Cloaking Device Type- None

Power To Activate- N/A


Standard 6-person- 3

Combat 14-person- 2

Emergency 18-person- 1

cargo large- 2

cargo small- 0

Other Data:

Crew- 320

Passengers- 80

Troops- 225

Pilots- 25

Deck Crews- 40

Shuttlecraft- 2

Fighters- 4

Workpods- 3

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 78

Movement Point Ratio- 4/1

Warp Engine Type- HWC-3

Number- 3

Power Provided- 20 ea

Stress Charts- E/G

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Warp 6

Emergency Speed- Warp 8

Impulse Engine Type- HID-1

Impulse Engine Output- 18

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- HH-7

Number- 4

Firing Arcs- 2 p/a, 2 s/a

Firing Chart- W

Max Beam Power- 7


+3 - (1-6)

+2 - (7-14)

+1 - (15-20)

Beam Weapon Type- HH-G

Number- 2

Firing Arcs- a/p/s

Firing Chart- F

Max Beam Power- 2

Shots- up to 4 ea

Hellbore Weapon Type- HHB-3

Number- 1

Firing Arcs- 1f

Firing Chart- V

Power To Arm- 13

Damage Chart- HHB-3

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- HSK

Shield Point Ratio- 1/2

Maximum Shield Power- 15

Defense Factor- 86.0

Weapon Damage Factor- 50.6