Hoshans and Zeator

Ok, I know this might be inconvienient, but I once did up some Hoshan and Zeator systems for STCS and it will be a while before I can find'em again, in the meantime, here is SFB to STCS Conversion, and it's simple, because the Buggers fly around in tiny little ships.

1: Hull to Superstructure is 1:1 this time

2: For Shields, divide the strongest Shield facing by 2 (1/1), 1.75 (2/3), 1.5 (1/2), 1.25 (1/3 and up)

3: for Transporters, Multiply Tran boxes by 1 for Personnel, 2 for Cargo, and 4 for Emergency, for some early ships, just have 1 Personnel and/or Cargo

4: Shuttles are 1:1

5: Warp and Impulse are 1:1, although sometimes, you should double Impulse to parallel X-ship improvement in Impulse Engines in FASA

6: For Cargo, Count all the SSD Boxes on the ship, then divide by 12, that's the total SCU, x50 = Metric Tonnage of Cargo

7: Crew/Kobold Units x10 = Crew and Marines. Passengers are Crew dv/8.

8: For Weapons, a Ph-1 is an FH-3, a Ph-2 is an FL-4 or FH-4, a Ph-3 is an FH-1, a Ph-D or Ph-G is an FH-D or FH-G, respectively, a Ph-5 is an FH-10, a Ph-6 is an FH-12, a Ph-7 is an FH-24, and a Ph-9 is an FHP-3, Disruptors are a KD-6, KD-8, KD-12, KDR-3, and KDR-7 depending on tech level, FP-2, FP-3 and FP-7 replace Phtn, others like drones use the nearest estimate.

9: Movement Cost x4 = Movement Point Ratio