DW Planets

Ribos System

Tara System

Magna Krea System, Moon of Gas Giant being where Kroll will be in 2378.

Peladon System

Solos System

Sakkrat System

Karn System, home to Morbius and the Sisterhood.

Elden System, Twelfth of which is home to a species of living toys and other multicarbon polymer creatures.

Endurium Beta System, visited by Colin Baker's Docter later in his run, with either Grant or Evelyn as the Companion.

Aridis System. The only habitable world in this system of five Planets orbiting a slightly hotter Red Giant is a Class G Desert Planet with heavy Mineral Counts of Zircon, Carbon and Tungsten, the world once being a Class M World composed of 56% Oceans, but changes in it's Star, and Aridis moving PMTO closer in it's orbit caused nearly all of it's oceans to be lost, and a bunch of huge, ballike Silicate Predators to multiply in number and begin to eat the planet's Native Sentients, the rubbery-skinned, pale white Aridians, timid and willing to resort to almost anything to survive.

Typical Aridian

STR- 35+3d10

END- 45+3d10

INT- 50+3d10

DEX- 40+3d10

CHR- 35+3d10

LUC- 1d100-10

PSI- 1d100-10

Full Maturation- 5 years

Middle Age- 60 years

Death by Aging- 130-140 years

System Data

Position in System: III

No. of Satellites: 0

Planetary Data

Planetary Gravity: 1.1g

Diameter: 14,300 km

Equatorial Circumference: 42,300 km

Total Surface Area: 561,000,000 km

Percent Surface Land: 98%

Total Land Area: 555,900,000 km

Environmental Data

Length of Day: 46 hours

Atmosphere: Terrestrial

Typical Climate: Desert

Mineral Data

Standard Metals: 33%

Radioactive: 4%

Gemstones: 33%

Industrial Crystals: 5%

Special Minerals: 17%

Developmental Data

Tech Level: -2Xs

Trade Profile: BBCBEDC/(C)A