What happened at my place on Halloween 2018

This year, on 10-31-2018, 243, I've got Trick-or-Treaters.

That has rarely happened to me, and I've gotten more than I've

EVER got, and I shall recount them, it shall be MOST fascinating.

First, I got some puerto rican loking 10 year old, looking like he

was dressed as a futuristic football player, and he came with

three others who were his friends/siblings(?)

Second, I made out some guy who had a black bodysuit with Skeleton

Patterns on it, and for a mask, he didn't have a Skull... It was more

like some metallic Jackal's Head or something, Was he going as a Skinwalker?

There was a little fairy princess girl, some black mask and caped guy,

and their mother, who was in a pink mask and cape, and magical gown, she

said she liked by Dr. Who shirt with all the Doctors on it.

Third, I got a Boyfriend and Girlfriend, who she was, I Don't Know, but he

was dressed in a homemade Mickey Mouse Costume.

Fourth, I got two preteen guys, the one on the left was in a cheaper Michael

Myers looking Mask with darker hair and the mask didn't even cover the sides

of his face or neck.

Fifth, I got a few young black kids, one was in Orange, I didn't see their costumes

adequately enough.

Sixth, I got a Black family, and only one of them was in costume, as this Gothic

Rock Nun with St. Peter's Black Upside-Down Cross on her forehead.

Seventh, some mother escorting her kid dressed in that purple movie Black Panther.

I gave em'all the bulk of my remaining Cadbury Mini-Eggs, Tootsie Rolls and Fruit

Chews, Wonka Nerds, and Jolly Ranchers.