Fiddler Crab

The Fiddler Crab became a larger, more improved Dreadnought of the Dystressian Hegemony, like the Federation-Class, it required major revisions to make it roughly equal to other Nations'Dreadnoughts, although it still lags behind in a few areas. It makes use of greatly improved Zagan Phasers and Kzinti Missile Weaponry, and sometimes operates alone, unlike most other races'Dreadnoughts. 1 was completed in 2/1942.42 (September 4th, 2278), another was completed in 2/1999.99 (December 31st, 2280), and both, along with the General War and ISC, succeeded in driving the Klingons, Kzinti and Lyrans away from Dystressian Space for 36 years.

Scenario: Seagull Pickings

(2/2060.35, or May 11th, 2282)

Put a Fiddler Crab in the NW corner of the Map, two D-18D Destroyers in the SE Corner, and two Asteroids near the center. The Dreadnought ambushed the two Destroyers, destroying one and causing the other to flee with news of the formidable new Dystressian Design, and while some in the Admiralty were enraged, the General War made them far more concerned of Federation advances, rather than one of the minor Galaxy Voyagers powers developing a more advanced Navy.