
Welcome, here, Me, what me ol'ass-slapping self archives, and some food for thought is provided.


A: See how I got yer pasty suburban softball ass down splendidly? ;-) This is a continuation, my old, titanic sites, are either gone or archived.

Q: Yeah, but what will This one be?

A: Editorials. Braintraining and a small amount of Ships and old links will be at http://sites.google.com/site/memoryeta, and an archival can be found at A Base For Existence

Q: Who Are You?

A: I am a cyberscientist, Parapsychologist, and scholarly Student-Master, also good at JKD, Abstract thought, and am a heavy RPG and Naval Game Enthusiast. I am also one of 6 near-god Peaceful Warriers called the Rokuratei, Nippon for "Six Emperors", the codeword, and more teachings can be found, look AT YOUR LEISURE.

Q: What do you look like?

A: For a Picture of me, Click here

For a Picture of my Half-Sisters, Click here

Q: How do I find stuff on here?

A: I don't have a Google window here, but go over to the Site Index, unfold some of the categories, and use a find in your own browser to home in on things.

Q: Do you do requests?

A: Yes, and I'm not like Mike Payne or Chandler Miles; - I WILL have a decent chance of getting to it in the next few days. You can contact me at starshipgamingengineer@gmail.com or omegamortal@mail.com

Q: Are you Satan, and dumber whan Whale Snot on

Mercury for having an opinion on Bill Cosby raping

Elton John, and making light of Hilary Clinton's


A: Fuck you. Haters Spread Hearsay.


Drive-Thru RPG, good for online Star Fleet Battles and other Gamebook downloading.

Bricknose is Not Funny. So, why do I think like this? He acts like a funny fucking cutup, delivering pointless onelliners, and "Airplane Food, Elevater Music" type bombast, plus, he compared Bill Nye to Satan, which made both Scientists and Christians alike Livid as Shit.

Disregard his unfunny transcript below, and watch in any order the Nye Labs Edutainment OF SCIENCE!!!

Pheonix Force MOC one of ta small number of old Websites still online in non-archived form.

The Web Archive

FUCK whoever faggotass decided to name this after a 60s Cartoon, BTTF SAID it, DON'T purposefully be a stupid "gee-whiz what's in the future thing", and take ADVANTAGE of restoration, of time travel; of entering dir.yahoo.com/Entertainment into the Archive Window to access a directory of 15000-30000 old websites.

Site for old RPGs, Download them as PDFs

Backups to Grimacepch997's old SFB Ship Construction System, made by comparing over a hundred official SFB ships, adding FASA-Esque Control Computers and with the most accurate BPV calculation, using FFG as an example.

http://web.archive.org/web/20001004015/www.notelrac.com/ An older Directory which has Clan, Gospel and SFB Sections.

http://web.archive.org/web/20020821145600fw_/http://www.darknexus.com:80/StarFleet/Design/ More SFB Ship Design.

Cyborg's New Rangers Gallery Go here to see templates and custom Sentai and Power Rangers, with some other stuff.

takimag.com New ranter of yer youong kids'generation yo. In case you need any kind of support.

Everyone Hates Chris Go here, and then Google "The Magic Voyage", widdle babies.

FAQ to Madness

Telecommuting Chick

Paypal and Bitcoin Money Adder

Animorphs Central Intelligence Agency

Blue Mouse Theatre - Rocky Horror Picture Show Stuff, dropped from the Fanlisting and the Timeline on Skuld's Birthday, 2008

Random Geocities Website Transporter Network - Geoporter

Old Geocities Cat Website

Attmay Website

Internet Cliches suck; - They Ruin the Potential Power of Imagination and Information

Reverse Racism?

Reverse Racism II; - Double Racism

From his Diary.


Remember 9/11.

...Good Question. HELP.