Expanding GrimacePCH's Work

In the late 90s', there was a Ship Construction System made for Star Fleet Battles by GrimacePCH, who I met around 17-18 years later. It used some FASA-esque Computers and Class/Mass Ratings, each with a Min/Max Weapons Rating and Mass Entry showing the max number of boxes other than the Warp Engines the ship can have.

Here is the system:


And here is more data for it.

For Crew Unit Calculations, see below:

Classes IX-XI have 40-45, VIII has 36, VII has 32, VI has 24, IV-V have 20, III has 18, and II has 16

For Boarding Party Calculations, see below:

Take the Crew Units and divide by 4. For Klingons, add 4

Full Construction for ALL the Races:

For Weapons, look at the BPV listing for the desired weapons here, and use the listed BPV for Weapon Allowance.

Split up the following Races between Federation and Romulan Sections:

Federation: Federation (Duh)

Klingon and Romulan: Romulan

Gorn: Federation

Orion: ???

Tholian: Romulan

Kzinti: Romulan

Lyran: Federation

Hydran: Federation, with +3 Hull and 2-3 fighters standard

ISC: Federation

Vudar: Federation

WYN: Romulan, with double APRs

Seltorians: Romulan

Jindarians: Federation

Andromedans: ???

Orions and Andromedans will probably need new sections made for them. Use normal Grimace Computer Techs for them, and new Superstructure sections for the Orions, then Andromedans come below:

Here's how one for the Klingons would possibly look:

Note: The Type E Control Package is utilized only for Monitors or other ships that do not have an operational range beyond that of a star system.

1: The maximum for this class in shuttle capacity is only designated for escort carriers. The usual maximum for ships of this class is 2.

2: The number after the usual maximum is denoted for those ships classified as light carriers. Only ships with carrier status can hold this many shuttles.

3: The maximum amount for this class is considered a carrier.

4: Vessels carrying the maximum shuttles are considered strike or battle style carriers.

5: Any vessel bearing the maximum shuttles is designated a heavy or super carrier.

Klingon Control Packages