House: Zantir

Imperial - 0%

Human Fusion - 100%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 6,000

Age- 60 years

Epetai- Krog

Symbol- Human-Fusion leaping from a sailing ship.


This Fusion House, artificially created, due to a large number of Human-Fusions and almost no House willing to care for them, has been a general workhorse, somewhat interested in outside influences and nations, and willing to vouch for some of the more moderate houses, such as the Subaiesh.

House: Mik

Imperial - 60%

Human Fusion - 20%

Romulan Fusion - 20%

Population- 20,000

Age- 560 years

Epetai- Kruge

Symbol- Trifoil in 12-pointed Blood-Red Star


An increasingly belligerent house, that tried to orchestrate a war with the Federation using intel and various spies and fooled Starfleet Ships in 2285, and later, this house, and Korgath began duelling with several of the other Houses, with 7,000 of the remaining Mik members defecting to the IKS in the 2310s, and the rest serving on Penal Bases, Gunboats and Destroyers.

House: Sulamik

Imperial - 25%

Human Fusion - 40%

Romulan Fusion - 35%

Population- 20,000

Age- 220 years

Epetai- Kron

Symbol- Blue, Red and Green Diamonds on Brown Circle


A trio of small villages, coming together ro form a House in 2156, the House of Sulamik was a great contributer of Marines and Scientists, and eagerly took in over two thousand of the first fusions in the 2220s, getting a greater influence on Survey Missions and Administration thanks to the greater influence of Subaiesh and Juriss in the 24th Century.

House: Esketai

Imperial - 24%

Human Fusion - 38%

Romulan Fusion - 38%

Population- 5,800

Age- 225 years

Epetai- Kunivas

Symbol- Green Trifoil on longsword


The House of Esketai was a Southerner House that moved to Valoria in 2214, and has been minor, although willing to support more distant campaigns against the Dystressians, Kzinti and Hydrans.

House: Murin

Imperial - 70%

Human Fusion - 30%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 15,000

Age- 250 years

Epetai- B'jIk

Symbol- Hand grasping a Bat'Leth in front of a tall, thin Building with powerful, needlelike Comm Antenna on top.


A fairly influential House that keeps a low profile, but is heavily involved in Intelligence, and sometimes manipulates matters in the Administration to further certain goals, with the house siding Duras in the Klingon Civil War, and greatly dishonored soon after, with two thirds of the house defecting to the IKS, and greatly improving it's personnel.

House: Treth

Imperial - 50%

Human Fusion - 35%

Romulan Fusion - 15%

Population- 6,000

Age- 160 years

Epetai- Karmalkan

Symbol- Trifoil in a Labyrinth


A small, loyal house, close to the Emperor, the House of Treth has members typically part of Internal Security, and several members of this house have been part of Imperial Intelligence, advising Strategic Operations against the Federation, Kzinti, Hydrans and Romulans.

House: Ocapil

Imperial - 70%

Human Fusion - 15%

Romulan Fusion - 15%

Population- 15,000-20,000

Age- 250 years

Epetai- Kang

Symbol- Circle with separate Blue, Red and Green Sections in it.


Once a barely existent house of very low status, this house has risen rapidly in recent decades, with several members becoming Generals and Admirals, and one, Kenra becoming a Thought Admiral.

House: Tzethas

Imperial - 20%

Human Fusion - 55%

Romulan Fusion - 25%

Population- 5,000-7,000

Age- 175 years

Epetai- Karnov

Symbol- Trifoil in a Cluster of Thorn Bushes


Typically a strong Naval house, Tzethas is descended from some strong Southern Hunters and Fishermen who banded together into a much larger, stronger hosue in order to get recognized by the newfound Klingon Empire. They advocate teamwork and survival, and sometimes have a strong influence on new warship designs. Some were responsible for the design of the D-30 Hand of Death Class Transwarp Battlecruiser, as well as the D-59 and D-61 Cruisers.

House: Oconga

Imperial - 0%

Human Fusion - 100%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 9,000

Age- 55 years

Epetai- Ardanga

Symbol- Ball with Red and Gold Dimples


A stronger Human-Fusion House, that played a major role in warship and fleet development for the increased hostilities and anticipated war with the Federation in 2261-2267, members of this house can be found everywhere, and it's Epetai, Ardanga, was a devious Administrator, pulling strings from behind the scenes to improve Anti-Federation and Human-Fusion efforts.

House: Neygebh

Imperial - 25%

Human Fusion - 45%

Romulan Fusion - 30%

Population- 8,500

Age- 700 years

Epetai- Kazara

Symbol- Trifoil in a meshed Globe


Descended from some stringent coastal Administrators in the Sough, House Neygebh has double-checked and been highly vocal, suspicious of a number of policies and key figures of both the UFP and Klingon Empire. They have sent out numerous ambassadors, one after another, to influence things in the Federation, and to attempt to further the primary goals of the Empire, but usually only kick up some dust and get irate.

House: Lorakhan

Imperial - 55%

Human Fusion - 45%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 1,500

Age- 75 years

Epetai- Korath

Symbol- interlinked Red and Brown Rings


A small, almost non-influential house, Lorakhan was descended from some southern roving bands of raiders, and have operated as mercenaries, and on both sides of the Klingon Civil War. The remnents of the dwindling house joined the Allied Worlds in 2430, disgusted at the Klingons joining the Federation/Coalition, and losing their Bright, Expanding Khomerex Flame, seeking great pleasure and jobs on various defense outposts and convoy escorts of the Allied Worlds.

House: Nessarc

Imperial - 25%

Human Fusion - 65%

Romulan Fusion - 10%

Population- 6,000

Age- 500-600 years

Epetai- Kozar

House Symbol- Blue, Red and Green Flames


A small, vocal house insisting on War with the Federation, with a fairly large number in all three branches (Navy, Marines and Administration), House Nessarc eagerly began allying with Houses Reshtarc and Simparri, and supported the building of larger 1X and 2Xe warships.

House: Mentori

Imperial - 75%

Human Fusion - 15%

Romulan Fusion - 10%

Population- 7,000

Age- 2,500 years

Epetai- Kajek

House Symbol- Painstick with a Photon Torpedo for the Head.


The Mentori have been an old, distinguished house, dating back to tiny, tightly regulated militia bands eventually organized by Kahless, with many in the house entering the Marines.

House: Zinlass

Imperial - 100%

Human Fusion - 0%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 5,000

Age- 200-300 years

Epetai- Kang

House Symbol- Warrior holding a double-ended weighted club up to the starry sky.


The Zinlass have prided themselves on their intense Strength and Endurance exercises in some of the rougher jungles of Klinzhai, and members of House Zinlass excel in the Deathstrike exercises.

House: Ardaka

Imperial - 0%

Human Fusion - 50%

Romulan Fusion - 50%

Population- 12,000

Age- 50-60 years

Epetai- Kolmas

House Symbol- A Green Hand holding a ball of energy.


The House of Ardaka was part of the earliest rounds of Fusion production, to try and give the Empire an all-Fusion Line, and while it was successful, with many thousands going into the Navy and Marines, some of the more conservative houses, most notable Reshtarc and Zinlass, have been against the practice of creating entire houses of Fusions, thus only two whole fusion houses were created from scratch in the 2220s.

House: Mirrin

Imperial - 45%

Human Fusion - 30%

Romulan Fusion - 25%

Population- 8,000-9,000

Age- 50-60 years

Epetai- Khazara

House Symbol- Violet Circle with a red line split down the middle in front of a lightningbolt


The House of Mirrin has been a major part of Internal Security, Many Scientist positions both in a Military and Civilian capacity, and numerous Gunboat forces, often being longterm plotters, and usually loyal to the Emperor/Chancellor, and some larger houses vocal in the application of Science and complicated strategy to the Khomerex Zha.

House: Khommora

Imperial - 100%

Human Fusion - 0%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 12,000-14,000

Age- 2,000-2,500 years

Epetai- Khazara

House Symbol- Sword in front of an odd, bulky dark shape


A loyal House, with numerous highly-skilled members reaching higher ranks of the Navy and Marines, with at least three becoming Thought-Admirals, one (Kirik) in 2182, one (Karn) in 2230, and one (Kodon) in 2253, a few in this house were recently caught engaging in acts of treachery, and this caused controversy over the trustwor=thiness of Khommora, although after a successful ground forces action against the IKS in 2329, this has subsided, for the most part.

House: Klinlor

Imperial - 65%

Human Fusion - 35%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 7,000-8,000

Age- 300-400 years

Epetai- Kimura

House Symbol- Two extinct striped felines, on facing either side, six-pointed star in the center.


The House of Klinlor has been somewhat progressive, with strong naval influence, and while they eagerly supported the development of fusions in the early 23rd century, they quickly retreated from this attitude in 2271, when the Reshtarcs rose to power, and now claim loyalty and improved results in Triangle and Border actions.

House: Uvarek

Imperial - 0%

Human Fusion- 100%

Romulan Fusion - 0%

Population- 3,000-5,000

Age- 35-45 years

Epetai- Krantok

House Symbol- Green Disco Ball


The house of Uvarek has sometimes been quite unhappy with the Empire's policies, especially when the UFP-Klingon Alliance formed, and in the Klingon Civil War in 2368, they joined Dura's side, and fought fiercely, but when they lost the War, the remaining four ships and thousand or so Uvareks fled to the IKS, where despite serving and contributing fairly well to the much larger IKS militia, they were treated racistly by the almost always Imperial IKS, whose policy had festered in the past 70 years.

House: Devari

Imperial - 30%

Human Fusion - 45%

Romulan Fusion - 25%

Population- 2,800

Age- 130-140 years

Epetai- K'mtar

House Symbol- Blue and Green Circles crossing over a Red Triangle


The House of Devari was once much smaller, and in danger of disappearing entirely, especially after over a thousand Devaris were lost in a fleet battle between D-3s and U-26s, but by contributing much wealth to the High Council, and contributing to Fusion development, they grew to a minor house, focusing heavily on Naval personnel, members of the house joining other branches usually leaving the hosue to join another.