Hassan Timeline

The Development of the Hassan Race, V1.01:

4,000 B.C: The earliest bits of Recorded Writing and organized Tribes gather on Hassidar.

3,500 B.C: The Hassans enter their first Industrial Age, and early Slings, Arrows, and Bladed Weapons are developed.

3,430 B.C: The early War-Chief Heroreinan is told by his seer that three nearby, slightly restless tribes will attack his fortified havens, and he orders them slaughtered, beginning long, off-and-on, varying length, sporadic feuds between the tribes.

3,345 B.C: The Tribes Ortelhion, Termaston, and Mermadidas, orchestrate an assault on Heroreinan's capitol, and Heroreinan's son, Herodera, is killed, and a stern warning is placed, treaty signed, and his unusually long-lived seer, Zeermidas, is disappeared, believed to have died.

1,650 B.C: The Smythe, Herdidias, develops some of the earliest Electric devices.

1,643 B.C: The Hassans develop Batteries. Herdidias becomes a travelling developer and guide, no longer feeling any attachment to any one tribe.

1,440 B.C: The Hassans develop Solar Power.

1,060 B.C: The Writer Heradelios, creates a series of tales about the brilliant, subtle energetic journeyer who learns, teaches, and develops, crossing lands both known and unknown, called the Maxmerasxan Odysseys.

963 B.C: Bandits raid a few farms and tech establishments, the fiery Orsigmas and Tribe Reorhelios going after them, and unrest grows among the Tribes.

489 B.C: The Bandits are obliterated, and Tribes Reorhelios and Naxaeran are at each other's throats.

488 B.C: The other Tribes are eyeing the two suspiciously, and some of the first vehicles are created, an increasing series of boats.

463 B.C: Kixas Veorailor, the new War-Chief of Perseeance, becomes the first in a series of slightly philosophical, slightly religious rulers, of a new title. He and his successors, of the Verorailors and Delmiders, will be the prominent in the largest tribe-city-state, having people, things, and particular interactions, on all sides, in many of the future tribal feuds of the next millenia.

330 B.C: Hechekrelios Tribe attacks two of it's larger neighbors, beginning a more vicious battle over plant food and water.

304 B.C: The Rekainroccas mediates for the two neighbors, Revexhecas and Hedulianor, getting them to work with the Hechekrelios.

40 B.C: The New Technology becomes widespread, and the first Internal Combustion Engines are developed.

200 A.D: The Tribe of Aegeolon collects extensive astronomical and Solar System Data, and distributes it throughout the Tribes.

260 A.D: The Legendary Writer, Merimacas, writes "Through the Gold Valley", about surrela adventures, science, theoogy and philosophy mixed throughout, a Classic that helps move the Hassans forward.

1252 A.D: the renowned Count, Joriledain Hedidax, performs surveys of the surrounding several miles, from his castle, and collects works of data and fiction, to become a prominent thinker, outlining Physics and some more elaborate chemicals and chemical compounds.

1460 A.D: The Tribes of Hedulianor and Ortelhion escalate a minor feud, and foolish actions, into a full-blown war, eventually causing the Tribes to war regularly with each others, although they usually regulate it, to prevent large-scale extermination.

1553 A.D: The Hedidax and Veorailor Tribes preserve food, water, science, and technology, with all stories, poems, and songs, old and new, actively encouraged, to attempt to keep the Hassans alive, in case of the other tribes extinguishing each other.

1625 A.D: The Tribe of Hedulianor, with it's Warriors and Bards, increases it's raids on Mermedidas, Relnlheron, and Reionider, with the raids glorified into poems and song.

1632 A.D: Nearly all of the Tribes begin to war with each other, becoming willing to have only one, or at most, a few of the tribes remaining on Hassidar, as it will be less rowdy and crowded.

1640 A.D: Hedulianor is worn down, a quarter of what it once was. Torilon and Hexacas eagerly taking it's place, to prepare to overtake Termaston, briefly forming a temporary alliance.

1642 A.D: Torilon and Hexacas are beaten back by Hurikan and Relnlheron, and their alliance breaks up, each side squabbling with each other over the next nine years.

1701 A.D: The Tribes of Oreuladion and Rekainrocas become close Allies, becoming more interacting with the Delmiders, Hedidaxes, and Veorailors.

1704 A.D: Among the first Motor-Powered Ground Vehicles are developed by the Veorailors and Aegeolons.

1705 A.D: The Relainens and Mermedidas produce some great Engineers and Mathematicians, developing giant early Computers.

1725 A.D: Improved Telescopes and Microscopes are developed.

1743 A.D: The Aegeolons develop the first Reactors, Enduring, fuel-efficient Ground Vehicles, and higher-storage Batteries.

1765 A.D: The members of Hedidax and Delmider form the first large-scale militaries.

1786 A.D: Hermitas Hedidax is born.

1803-1826: Hermitas Hedidax launches several strategic attacks on the Hexacas and Kremor Tribes, eliminating them entirely, and to locate, and either take out or befriend numerous thousands of stealthy and nomadic independent dwellers at the oasises and cave/cliff rock areas.

1836: Hermitas publishes the Hassan equivalent of the Art of War.

1837: Members of Argeolon and Torilon, and soon others, begin to use some of the nomads for freelance work, to help get resources, data on more distant lands, and expand their reach.

1869-1873: Perrikas Abserlon makes a long journey across the sands, occasionally discovering different terrain, and eventually returning to Tribe Abserion, and then to Hedidax, exploring over 2,600 miles. This becomes one of the more famous Hassan tales of Exploration.

1874: Hedidax and Aegeolon establish several Observation Stops for many travellors.

1894: The first colonies by the Tribes, Torilon and Delmider, are set up, several miles away from two thirds of the Nomads.

1902: Hermitas dies, telling some of his strategies, scientific discoveries and musings, and travels to a few areas with plant life, to the young wanderer Ledarenidas, an orphan of no tribe, who becomes a new explorer, buying (or stealing), and visits other Nomads, their lands, and examines some of Hermitas Vegetation-heavy areas, and a few others, discovering several new species of animal life, including some giant, brain-shaped bodied grey armadilloes, what the Hassans evolved from, Omnivores capable of moving upright, or on all fours.

1926: Ledaredidas becomes the legend, and inspirer of many future Scientists and Frontiersmen, and is honoured by Kainen Delmider, one of the most prominent Hassans of the day.

1932: The Hassans of Aegeolon, chiefly Eerinar and Korilainen, develop the first Radios, T.V Sets, and Several dozen of various tribes began to try and develop working flyers.

1936: Torixorron Pumider begins to carefully observe birds, and develop three unsuccessful, and two successful flyers throughout the 1938-1946 period.

1956: After running low on resources, and some nasty feuds with Pulidzas and Oreuladion, The Toririncas and others begin to war with them, more global-scale conflict begins.

1982: The warring is finally stopped by the legendary Psiludas Delmider, The prominent Hassan Warrior-Leader, who unites the tribes to make the Hassan Alliance, coinciding with the first launch of a Hassan satellite in 1985, signalling the Hassan's Ascent into 2Xe.

1989: The first Manned spaceflight.

1992-1999: Increased studies into larger, independent Hassan craft is conducted.

2000: Construction begins on a larger craft, capable of taking off and landing routinely, with extensive fuel and supplies, and with a crew of 3.

2002: The Craft is finished, and makes a few successful test-flights, and then begins a series of regular missions. It's commissioning, overseen by Psiludas Delmider, and laying the foundation for the First in History type of Hassan Commissioning, to be maintained for centuries.

2004: The first nuclear reactor is developed at Hedidax property. This prompts research into new Nuclear-powered vessels, more power-producing, faster, and with need to carry fewer fuel.

2006: Plans for a new Station are put together, to help the new Hassan Inter-system ships maintain more of an independent presence in space.

A Second vessel is developed to accompany the first one, the two being named Oreganite and Kithmaras ("Vibrant Valley of Minerals" and "Lithe, Gliding Nomad of Stealth", sometimes named to some individualistic Hassans)

2008: The first Nuclear-Powered Hassan Ship, Orcwellidas ("Presidium of sculpted Bronze and Marble"), is launched, with a crew of 8, and used to make extended surveys into the outer Hassan system.

The Hassans enter -2Xs

2014: The Oreganite and Kithmaras are retired, with smaller, newly-designed nuclear-powered ships with crews of 4 replacing them.

2028: The Hassans begin to develop more stations, and longer-range Exploration vessels, including one or two with a new Railgun design, used for destroying debris and defending the Hassan people, thus entering -2Xl.

2031: Some of the new vessels briefly exit the edge of the Hassan system, making note of the area, and taking brief, interested data on nearby stars.

2046: More Hassan Galactic Survey Cruisers, larger, with more advanced equipment, collect vast data on nearby interstellar phenomenae, and compare them to the ancient data and Hassan Constellations.

2052: The Hassans of Veorailor and Aegeolon begin to theorize the existance of Subspace; new Sensor equipment developed in 2065-2072, helps them discover it.

2074: A whole new series of new technologies are planned.

2075: Work begins on a new Drive to make use of Subspace.

2086: The first new vessel with Warp Drive, the "Aeriverithas", named for a Yellow Bird with some Blue and Orange Feathers on the edges of the wings, makes it's first Warp 1.28 flight to a nearby System of Horin Vedaxpu, a Star System 1 Ly away, composed of a dimmer Orange Star, with three lifeless rocky worlds, .4-.85 Earths in size, the second and third with 2 and 1 moon each, and an outer Asteroid Belt.

The Hassans enter -1X, and for the next several centuries, call their Drives, Herinas Allflung Drive, although occasionally using the title "Warp Drive" for some outsiders in the 23rd and 24th Centuries.

2093-2109: The Hassans perform some missions of Exploration, performing extensive surveys on dozens of worlds, and improving their drive to maximum Speeds of Warp 2.3

2114: The Hassans have some hostile encounters with Paravians and Omnicons, thus inspiring them to begin more heavily arming their ships.

2119: It is proposed to develop a more prominent, larger Star Navy, and the Hassan Alliance Star Navy, and series of new Hull Classifications, is born.

2120-2122: New shipyards are completed.

2124: Some raiders scout and attempt to raid the Hassan Home System, but are repelled.

2125: The new Geryllerald-Class Heavy Cruiser and Aegeolon-Class Light Cruiser are commissioned, both multimission, with the Geryllerald, named after a giant green gemstone, leaning somewhat more towards combat.

2130s: More raiders are repelled, and the first Colonies, Tech Research and Testing Facilities, and Giant Starbases are developed.

2140s: Brief war, with the Darkkons and Zaandaar.

2158: First Contact, and Friendship made with the Piruthans, Trading frequent between the two Nations.

2168: Brief skirmish with the Dystressians.

2172: a few brief visits to the ISC.

2180s-2190s: Wars with the Omnicon, Skytron, and Greytron, with Alliances with the Gloids and Pirathans.

2200s: More frequent interstellar interaction and trade is performed, more planetary and orbital stations for diplomacy and commerce are built.

2210s: Hassans break the Time Barrier, and begin heavy R&D into several improved Heavy weapon types, the first being to expand their old Nuclear Missile and Mine Racks into Accelerator Cannons.

The Hassans enter 0Xe here.