Verse Class Existential Witness

Verse Class Existential Witness

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Mk I


Date Entering Service- 3600

Number Constructed- 20

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 171,480

Damage Chart- B


Length- 5,400 meters

Width- 3,600 meters

Height- 500 meters

Weight- 300,264,650 tons


Cargo Units- 1344736 units

Cargo Capacity- 67,236,820 tons

Landing Capability- None

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- XQ-31

Cloaking Device Type- UFGCO

Power To Activate- 30


Standard 12-person- 24

Temporal 15-person- 20

Combat 25-person- 10

Emergency 60-person- 16

cargo large- 24

cargo small- 36

Other Data:

Crew- 101,874

Passengers- 36,250

Troops- 2,500

Shuttlecraft- 20

Timeships- 30

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available-

Movement Point Ratio- 9/1

Realitywarp Engine Type- FREWK-1

Number- 2

Power Provided- 100,000 ea

Stress Charts- 0/0

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Realitywarp 32

Emergency Speed- Realitywarp 36.9

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- UFGCC-32

Number- 12

Firing Arcs- 2f, 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2a, 2 a/p, 2 a/s

Firing Chart- Z

Max Beam Power- 10,000


+50 - (1-10)

+40 - (11-18)

+30 - (19-20)

+20 - (21-22)

+10 - (23-24)

+4 - (25-26)

Missile Weapon Type- FS-10

Number- 75

Firing Arcs- 360o arc

Firing Chart- Z

Power To Arm- 12/15

Damage- 15,000 (1,500 piercing any defense)

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- UFGSU

Shield Point Ratio- 1/136

Maximum Shield Power- 3,500,000

Defense Factor- 789,692.4

Weapon Damage Factor- 894,000.0

And for LUG

U.S.S Omniverse

Class and Type: Verse-Class Existential Witness

Commissioning Date: 3600

Hull Characteristics

Size: 44

Resistance: 45

Structural Points: 880

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 101874/40000/2250000 [14 Power/Round]

Computers: 40 [40 Power/Round]

Transporters: 24 Personnel, 20 Temporal, 10 Assault, 60 Cargo, 16 Emergency [55 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 20 spread aroud the ship [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Propulsion Characteristics

Realitywarp System: 21.0/32.0/36.9 (15 days) [4/Realitywarp Facter]

Power: 1450

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +30/2.5 gly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +30/10 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +30 [5 Power/Round]

Allspan Sensors: +28 [10 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 7

Tactical Data

Type XXXII Pandimensional Customizer

Range: 45/90,000/1,600,000/2,400,000

Arc: All (720 Degrees)

Accuracy: 2/3/5/8

Damage: 240

Power: [240]

Type VIII Snark Torpedoes

Number: 6,750

Launchers: 1 ad, 1 fv

Spread: 75

Range: 45/960,000/9,000,000/14,000,000

Arc: All (720 Degrees)

Accuracy: 2/3/5/8

Damage: 450

Power: [12]

Weapon Skill: 7

Defensive Data:

Type LCM-V Deflector Shield

Protection: 850/1275

Power: [850]


A large, multigenerational ship, often traveling alone, performing

entire lifestyles, and observing and pondering many universes,

dimensions, times, and possibilities. It briefly tested some of the

advanced systems to make it into the Memorial Class of 3665, and

some of the vessels and their crews inadvertantly stumbled upon

Ascension, only around a quarter of them returning to assist

the rest of the United Federation of Galaxies to take the

Ultimate Evolution, to become independent of all imaginable,

omniscient and omnipresent.

Noteworthy Vessels/Encounters:

U.S.S Verse; - Prototype, U.S.S Universe, U.S.S Multiverse,

U.S.S Metaverse, U.S.S Xenoverse, U.S.S Hyperverse, U.S.S Egaverse,

U.S.S Megaverse, U.S.S Gigaverse, U.S.S Teraverse, U.S.S Petaverse,

U.S.S Exaverse, U.S.S Omniverse, U.S.S The Box, U.S.S The Mask,

U.S.S Infinity, U.S.S Allspan, U.S.S Dynaverse, U.S.S Xeraverse,

U.S.S Cyberverse

New Systems

XQ-31 (3595)

Mass- 100,000

SS- 25.0

Classes- XIX-C

WDF- 1,000,000