Assignment Calendar

Mettabowie, if you see this, SHUT UP. I know ALL about you and your policies. You should be glad I share your views here. No NEED for Perverts and Fanboys, and it is INDEED too FUCKDAMN much of a hazard to all those Pretty (Puri-Tei) Cosplayers out there.

I also think it's TERRIBLE that somehow Pedophilia was a part of your childhood, and I can imagine it QUITE easily; - I am AGAINST what YOU are AGAINST here, and I would ever so like for you to NOT be snarky with me.

Consult the updates and Calendar; m'brain's already scattered from all the Time Travel.

Aliquippa. Mikekhukurutv, get through puberty, that's an order.

Don't say Ass, or someone's liable to kick it clear across the goddamn bay of pineapple kaui.

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