
The Zayth System

One -


Two & Three

Hot Houses

Four -


Five - Granican

Six -


Seven - Heptican

Eight - Madrican


Asteroid Belt

Airless Stone

Inferno Worlds,

but moon of 2nd

has large

Imperial Guard

base thereon

War World, just

barely class M,

irradiated, covered

with city-states.

very balkanized.

Heavy Rock

with bad air.

Pretty Ringed Giant

3rd moon has good

trade base, run by

Saul & Windsor.

Cold Rock with

argon-xenon air.

Airless ball of

oily shale

random rocks from

various dead planets

Numerous hidey


ZAYTHICAN, the fourth planet, is the most interesting one. Has various cartels (movable cities) that each have some specialty.

But the cities all sport macro-batteries, and/or torp launchers, and lances that make dealing with them as much fun as dealing with

a space hulk. If they don't like you, they shoot you out of the sky.

House Saul has dealings with 2-3 of them, and House Windsor deals with a couple more. The guard base recruits from 3 others.

The Navy stops off here frequently, for liberty call, and buying fuel and supplies from the trade base, and because they ferry the IG around.