


AMBITION Class Cruiser




Skill Test Modifiers

Navigation/Warp 60, Social 20, Command -5,

Intimidate (Social) 10 w/Active Hymn-Casters, CMD/Hit&Run 40, CMD/Boarding Action 20, CMD/Hit&Run (Def) 35,

CMD/Boarding Action (Def) 25, Forbidden lore (Xenos) -30, Perception (Warp) 20, Locate Astronomican 20,

Warp Travel Encounter Tests -10,

Extended Action Intimidate 5, Medicae 20,

Achievement Bonuses

Trade + 80 Crime + 125 Military + 275 Explore + 100

Aerie [+20 Points per Objective], Prison Space (Brig) 25,


SHIELDS Dual Void Shield [C:BEST]




SPACE Left Over 0



Weapon Capacity Prow, Port x2, Starboard x2

Crew Disposition: Fanatical

Crew Max 100%

Morale Max 111%


BQ Servitors (45)

Attack Craft Rating +2

Normal Operations (Morale)

Almost Fully Automated: The ship has an extensive compliment of servitors for assisting in all sorts of tasks. In fact, there are almost enough that a party of 12 could run the entire ship, if they knew the correct override codes! The ship's machine-spirit is highly protective of its servitors, and will stubbornly resist any attempt to reassign them to anybody else's command.

Essential Components

Jovian-99P [C:BEST], Miloslav-99W [C:BEST], Warpsbane Hull & Belecane 90.r Gellar Field (-20 WTE Table),

Emergency Field (Roll 1d10, on 3+ Geller Field Activates if vessel is drawn into the Warp),

Command Bridge (CL,C,CB,CG) (If CRIT'd Unpowered on roll of 3+ on d10) [C:BEST],

Clemency Pattern Life Sustainer (Reduce Crew/Morale Loss by 4 for Depressurization, Min. 0) [C:BEST],

Auto-Stabilized Logis Targeter & M-201b Auger Array [C:BEST],

Clan-Kin Quarters (All morale loss reduced by 1, minimum 1) [C:BEST]

Supplemental Components

Cargo Hold & Lighter Bay, 0Barracks, Augmented Retro Thrusters, Reinforced Interior Bulkheads,

Extended Supply Vaults (Extended Repairs add 1 additional HI point),

Munitorium (Explodes if Damaged, 2d5 HI loss and 1 Component on Fire), Observation Dome,

Murder Servitors (May choose 1-6 if Critical inflicted by H&R), Runecaster (Xenotech), Barracks Pod (External) x2,

Main Cargo Pod (External) x2Gyro-Stabilization Matrix (Archeotech) (Pilot+Mvr Test Counts as Challenging),

Cogitator Interlink (Archeotech), Add Energistic Conversion Matrix (Archeotech) [ PWR to SPD 5 for 1],

Broad-Band Hymn-Casters (Enemy must make Diff. -10 Tech-Use Test for Vox/Comms) (External, 30VU),

Astropathic Choir-Chambers (+10 Focus Power Test, +5 VU Psychic Power Range),

STORM Drop Pod Launch Bays (Holds 20 Pods, Launches 10 Per Strat Turn/30 minutes, KEEL Mount),

Empyrean Mantle (When 'Silent Running' it is 2 Degrees HARDER to detect this Vessel)(External),

Atomics (Ballistic Test as Ext. Action via Macro Batt)[ x6, Good (1d5+5 Hits, 1d10+6 DMG) ], Cherubim Aerie (Best Quality),

Crew Improvements: Best (+3 Morale, +5 Quality), Ostentatious Displays of Wealth (Best Quality),

Servitor Crew [Cannot Initiate Boarding Actions, Pop Loss Reduced by Half, Minimum 1 (Best Quality)],

Vaulted Ceilings (Best Quality), Starchart Collection (-1d5+5Days Warp Travel Time, Min. 1 day),

Storm Troopers (Best Quality) [x2HI Dmg H&R Attacks; +1d5Dam to Crew in DEF Boarding Actions], Brig,

Ship Stores (5 Space) (Extended Repair Actions +2 HI), HOLD Landing Bay (Str: 2),

Hydraphuran Jamming System (-20 to Focused Augury Tests to scan this vessel, no Silent Running when in use),

Medicae Deck (3xIB Patients Treatable w/out Penalty) , Pilot's Chamber, Small Craft Repair Deck, Field Bracing,

Defensive Countermeasures (1 Use; Lasts 1d5+1 ST; -20 BS to attack ship, -30 for Torpedoes),

Flak Turrets (-10 Detection Penalty when in use),

Fire Suppression System (1 User per ST; Difficult -10 tech-Use Test to extinguish 1 component on Fire),

Complications / Past Histories


Wrested from a Space Hulk (For misfortunes GM rolls twice and picks the worst)

the Chief of Welders in the small craft repair deck is an arrogant but pure-white humanoid daemon that

wants to be everyone's friend and thinks of himself as funny.

the Seneschal's body guard is an Ogryn who has trouble putting on a space suit and staying menacing

when his handler, (a skinny washed up IG captain ) insists on tagging along everywhere they go.


Styges Pattern Bombardment Cannons [Strength: 3, Damage:1d10+7, Crit Rating: 2, Range: 5 >TURBO +5 on Ballistics Tests<] Location:PROW

Hecutor Pattern Plasma Broadside [Strength: 5, Damage:1d10+3, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 11 >TURBO +5 on Ballistics Tests<] Location:PORT

Hecutor Pattern Plasma Broadside [Strength: 5, Damage:1d10+3, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 11 >TURBO +5 on Ballistics Tests<] Location:STARBOARD
