
Kuriomandrix, born to wealthy parents on the Andorian colony of Cimera.
He adapted well to cold weather as a teen, and hates warm environments.
Warm for this purpose is defined as anything over 48 degrees fahrenheit.

To combat this, he always wears a jacket outfitted with air conditioning units, running off batteries in the pockets.

Parents pressured him heavily to go into a money-making profession. So after nearly flunking pre-law, he went to med school, and further specialized in plastic surgery. After getting the full certifications, he made considerable money catering to wealthy clients. Though profitable, dealing with the vain and complainers grew tiresome. Then he had sessions and surgery with a starfleet veteran, and repaired their injuries, looks, and cybernetically got them back to normal.

Inspired thus, he sold the practice, gave the money to his parents, and transferred to the fleet hospital on Cimera. He specialized in therapy and restoration of veterans. Then after a while of that, he got 2 desires:

  1. to see more worlds he kept hearing about, and 2: if one tr