Rocket Raccoon
Male Hound_Archon 11 / Urban Ranger 1
Chaotic Good
Representing ELD-NPC
Total Hit Points: 45 Speed: 40 Feet
Armor Class: 25 =
10 +4 [chain Shirt] +1 [buckler] +1 [dex] +9 [natural]
Touch Ac: 11
Flat-footed: 24
Light load:
Push or drag:
100 lb.
600 lb.
Abyssal Celestial Common Draconic Thri-Kreen Infernal Sylvan Terran Other Language 1
Light Crossbow [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]
Flail [1d8, crit x2, 5 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning]
Chain shirt [light; +4 AC; max dex +4; check penalty -2; 25 lb.]
Buckler [+1 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 5; 5 lb.]
- Abrasive
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Craft_1 >=5 ranks gives +2 on related appraise checks. Handle Animal >=5 ranks gives +2 on wild empathy checks.
Search >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks while tracking. Use Rope >=5 ranks gives +2 on climb checks involving ropes.
Use Rope >=5 ranks gives +2 on escape artist checks involving ropes.
- Angelic canine. Outsider; perhaps must be Lawful Good; all simple weapons; all martial weapons; base speed 40 feet; darkvision to 60 feet; Monster class skills are concentration, diplomacy, hide, jump, listen, move silently, sense motive, spot, and survival.
- Level 1: First hit die; Bonus feat; darkvision 60' ft., low-light vision, subtypes (archon, extraplanar good, lawful), bite 1d6; slam 1d3; +2 natural armor; resistance to electricity 5; +4 on saves vs poison.
- Level 2: Second hit die; +2 con, detect evil at will, message 2/day, +3 natural armor
- Level 3: Third hit die; bonus feat; aid 3/day; continual flame 2/day
- Level 4: +2 str, resistance to electricity 10, tongues, +4 natural armor
- Level 5: Fourth hit die; change shape, +4 on hide and survival in doggy form; scent, +5 natural armor
- Level 6: Bite 1d8, slam 1d4, +6 natural armor, message at will
- Level 7: Fifth hit die; aura of menace, resistance to electricity 20, +7 natural armor
- Level 8: Greater teleport 1/day, spell resistance 13, +8 natural armor
- Level 9: Sixth hit die; bonus feat; +2 cha, damage reduction 5/evil, aid at will, continual flame at will, spell resistance 14
- Level 10: +2 wis, immunity to electricity and petrification, +9 natural armor, spell resistance 15
- Level 11: +2 str, damage reduction 10/evil, greater teleport at will, magic circle against evil, spell resistance 16
Outsider: Non-elemental from some other dimension. Don't become undead or contract lycanthropy.
- Immune to spells that typically affect only humanoids, such as charm person or hold person.Difficult to raise if killed.
Urban Ranger: Favored enemies Urban Tracking as bonus feat (already included)
- Combat Style Endurance Wild empathy (roll level/2 + charisma bonus)
- Endurance (level 3) Animal Companion (level 4) Swift Urban Tracker (level 8)
- Evasion (level 9) Hide in Plain Sight (level 17) High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
- Urban rangers have modified spell choice
Favored Enemies: Outsiders (evil) +2 This ranger chose the archery track.
Rocket Raccoon's Equipment:
- 39 lb
- 5 lb
- 15 lb
- 20 lb
- 10 lb
- 2 lb
- 1 lb
- 5 lb
- 4 lb
- 1 lb
- 5 lb
- 5 lb
- 1 lb
- 5 lb
- 1 lb
- 10 lb
- _____
- 129 lb
- Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
- Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x5
- Arrows (quiver of 20) x5
- Sling bullets (group of 10) x4
- Bullets (10) x5
- Backpack
- Case (for map or scroll)
- Crowbar
- Fishhook
- Manacles x2
- Mirror
- Rations (1 day) x5
- Rope (50', silk) x1
- Sealing wax
- Sewing needle
- Climber's kit
- Healer kit
- Tools (miscellaneous) x5
- Tota
- More about Rocket Raccoon:shooter coon miniature