XP 4,800 CR 18 Super Solarian CORZAREAN
N Medium monstrous humanoid (fire) solarian
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., ultravision 60 ft.,
blindsense (vibration) 5 ft., blindsense (aura) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +16 HP 125
EAC 20; KAC 22
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +9
Immunities fire;
Weaknesses graviton magic ;
vulnerable to cold, solar dependent
Speed 30 ft.
Melee fist +16 (3d4+14 B; critical burn)
Ranged blast +19 (2d8+8 F; critical blind)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th; ranged +19) (1/day) - Charm Monster (DC 18 , Entropic Grasp (DC 18)
He's a Wizard, Hairy. Attempts to bribe or hire underlings to probe ruins and wretched hives in search of corrupt solarians to kill.
Str +6; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +2
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Intimidate +21, Mysticism +16
Languages Celestial, Kasatha, Vesk Other abilities stellar alignment
Gear Armored Assstive Armor II Heavy armor Price: 32300 EAC: 16 KAC: 18 Max Dex Bonus: 4 Armor Check Penalty: -5 Speed Adjustment: -5 ft. Upgrade Slots: 3 Bulk: 3 (Breath, Force Field, Blinding)
Hardlight Longhammer HyperChrome - Cryo Longhammer Advanced melee - two-handed Level: 10 Price: 18700 Damage: 3d10 C Critical: Staggered Bulk: 2 Special: Powered (capacity 20, usage 2), Reach, Unwieldy
CSP-818 Divin Black Hole Shock Machine Pistol Small arm 1H Lvl11 Price: 22000 Damage: 3d6 E Range: 50 ft. Critical: Grav 1d4,Stumble, Pin Cap 40 charges Usage: 4 Bulk: L Special: Automatic
He seeks the Corruptor of Solarians; to destroy it, not study it, as so many have failed before.
Resolve points 5 Solarian abilities Solar manifestation, stellar alignment, black hole, flashing strikes,
Solarian special rules His jewelry allows him to access more revelations
Stellar Revelations Supernova (Su) [Photon mode] Flare (Su) [Photon mode] Plasma Sheath (Su) [Photon mode]
Radiation (Su) [Photon mode] Corona (Su) [Photon mode] Glow of Life (Su) [Photon mode] Hypnotic Glow (Su) [Photon mode]
Sunbolt (Su) [Photon mode] Ultimate Graviton (Su) [Graviton mode] Starquake (Su) [Graviton mode]
Stellar Alignment (Su) The creature is aligned to the cycles of solar systems. Creatures with stellar alignment usually have stellar revelations and zenith revelations, either ones from the solarian class or ones unique to the creature. When using stellar revelations, the creature is always considered attuned. However, it's not always considered fully attuned, so it normally can't always use zenith powers. When you roll initiative for the creature, roll 1d3. Once that many rounds have elapsed, the creature is considered fully attuned and gains access to its zenith powers. After it uses a zenith power, it's no longer fully attuned and you roll 1d3 again to see how many rounds it will take to recharge. If a creature has stellar alignment (graviton) or stellar alignment (photon), it's considered to be attuned only in the indicated mode and can become fully attuned only in the indicated mode, as described above.