


STARPOLLO Career Path: Rogue Trader (Void Master)

Home World: Svard Motivation: Pride/Exhilaration

Fate Points: 4 Experience: 7650 RANK : TWO

Hit Points: 11 Corruption: 3/100 Insanity: 8/100

Son of Trajan X. Windsor, Gr.Gr.Gr.Gr.Grand Uncle of Current RT.

Stats: WS - 43; BS 40; S 33; T 35; Ag 41; Int 39; Per 36; WP 30; Fel 42

Trained Skills: Charm (Fel); Command (Fel); Commerce (Fel); Common Lore Imperium (Int); Evaluate (Int);

Scholastic Lore Astromancy (Int); Speak Language Low Gothic (Int); Dodge (Ag); Pilot Space Craft (Ag)

Trained Skills +10: Literacy (Int); Speak language High Gothic (Int)

Talents & Abilities:

Honor Among One's Peers: +5 bonus to all Fellowship Tests to interact with high-ranking officials of the Imperium and members of the Imperial nobility in a formal setting.

Decadence: When drinking alcohol or similar beverages, the Explorer does not pass out until he has failed a number of Toughness Tests equal to twice his Toughness Bonus. The character also gains a +10 bonus to resist the effects of addiction.

Light Sleeper: The Explorer is always assumed to be awake, even when asleep, for the purposes of Awareness Tests or surprise.

Nerves of Steel: The Explorer may re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning.

Quick Draw: The Explorer can Ready as a Free Action when armed with a Pistol or Basic class ranged weapon, or a melee weapon that can be wielded in one hand.

Universal Weapon Proficiencies: Pistols, Melee

Talented: +10 Bonus to; Command, Intimidate

Air of Authority: On a successful Command Test, the Explorer may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus his Fellowship Bonus. This talent has no effect on hostile targets, and only affects NPCs.

Renowned Warrant: The Explorer gains a +10 bonus to Interaction Skill Tests with those who understand the importance of the warrant, such as other traders and Imperial officials.

Ambidextrous: The Explorer can use either hand equally well for any task, and does not suffer the –20 penalty for actions using his off hand.


Armor: Best Craftsmanship Armsman's Carapace - AP6 All

Weapons: Common Craftsmanship Power Cutlass - 1d10+5(8), Pen 5, Power Field, Balanced

Good Quality Hand Cannon - 1d10+4, Pen 2, Reliable, Rld 2 Full, Clip 5

Gear: Micro Bead (Ear Radio), Void Suit, Naval Dress Uniform, Copy of the House Windsor Warrant of Trade.
