
Spider Pattern Advanced Servitor.

WS 30; BS 30, STR 20, T (6)30, Ag 20,

Int 25, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 10, Wounds 12

Movement 3/6/12/24 leap 2m; Wall-Crawler

Skills - Awareness +20 (Per). Logic +10; Climb 40;

Talents - Ambidextrous, Appropriate Weapon Training, Sprint, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic, Melee).

Traits - Armour Plated, Auto-Stabilised, Dark Sight, Machine (3), Natural Weapons, Size (Scrawny), Unnatural Toughness x2.

Equipment - Inbuilt Auspex; Drug Injector; Solvent Sprayer

Weaponry -

Eviscerator : d10+4 R, Pen 6, Tearing, Toxic

Shotpod : 10m, S/3/-, d10 I, Pen 0, Clip 3, Blast (1) Scatter

Stubber : 20m, -/-/10, d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 10, Proven 3

Solvent: 5m; -/-/1, D5 X; Pen 8; Clip 3; Toxic, Acid, Spray, Scatter; Haywire

THAG aka SCRUFFY {species: phondurex}

WS BS Str T Ag Int Per Wp Fel

58 - 48 55 48 19 49 41 09

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 15 Size Medium; 8 limbs

Armour: All 8 Total Tb: 5

Bestial Archetype: Apex Predator (Thag, Scruffy)

Bestial Nature: Living Arsenal 5 attacks per round

Desert Adapted, Cannot Swim; toxin and metals tolerant.

Skills: Awareness (per), Tracking +10 (int). Nav-Surface, Survival; Decieve, Acrobatic

Talents: Talented (tracking).; Improved Trip; Hardy, Iron Jaw, Instant-Stand; Heat and Poison Resistant

Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Multiple Arms, Natural Armour (8), Natural Weapons, Valuable.

Weapons: Claws, Fangs, Horns, Stingers, (melee; 1d10+5 each R; Pen 3; Tearing; +3 dmg when charging;