ARMOUR 22 [ Prow 24 ]
SHIELDS Repulsor Quad Void Shield [C:BEST]
SPACE Left Over 0
Constructed in M37 at the fabled (and now lost to Tyranids) Davesson Forge World. Only Five of her class were ever finished, and the templates eaten by the Hive.
Hull Integrity
(Current) 100
Skill Test Modifiers
Tech-Use Repair Ship/Emergency Repairs 10,
Navigation/Warp 10, Navigation/Piloting 5, Social 15,
Command 10, Intimidate (Social) 10 w/Active Hymn-Casters, CMD/Hit&Run 40, CMD/Boarding Action 20,
CMD/Hit&Run (Def) 45, CMD/Boarding Action (Def) 35,
Fellowship 10, Extended Action Intimidate 5,
Extended Repairs 10, Restore HI Acq Test 10,
Medicae 20, Active Augury vs Silent Running 15,
Achievement Bonuses: Trade + 360 ; Crime + 225 ;
Creed + 200 ; Military + 175 ; Explore + 175 ;
Aerie [+20 Points per Objective],
Prison Space (Brig) 25,
Weapon Capacity Dorsal x2, Prow x2, Port x5, Starboard x5,
Crew Disposition: Fanatical
Crew Max 102%
Morale Max 114%
(Current) 100%
(Current) 100%
Crew Quality Competent (30)
Normal Operations (Morale)
Attack Craft Rating +2
Essential Components:
DAVESSON-P16 [C:GOOD Power] [Modified/Archeotech], TRAJANEX-W-100 [C:GOOD Space], Belecane 90.r Gellar Field (-20 WTE Table),
Emergency Field (Roll 1d10, on 3+ Geller Field Activates if vessel is drawn into the Warp),
Fleet Flag Bridge (CB, CG; This vessel + allies w/in 30vu +5 on Piloting/Navigation Tests)) [C:BEST], Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer [C:GOOD Power],
X-470 Ultimo Array (Vessel is Easier to Hit, +5 Enemy BS Tests) [C:GOOD Power], Clan-Kin Quarters (All morale loss reduced by 1, minimum 1) [C:GOOD Space]
Cargo Hold & Lighter Bay, Luxury Passenger Quarters, Barracks, Augmented Retro Thrusters x3, Armour Plating,
Extended Supply Vaults (Extended Repairs add 1 additional HI point), Crew Reclamation Facility (Reduce Crew loss by 3, minimum 1. Increase morale losses by 1),
Munitorium (Explodes if Damaged, 2d5 HI loss and 1 Component on Fire), Temple Shrine to the God Emperor, Trophy Room, Observation Dome,
Teleportarium (Archeotech) (Can make H&R attacks without Piloting Test), Gilded Hull Add Energistic Conversion Matrix (Archeotech) [ PWR to SPD 7 for 1],
Broad-Band Hymn-Casters (Enemy must make Diff. -10 Tech-Use Test for Vox/Comms) (External, 30VU),
Astropathic Choir-Chambers (+10 Focus Power Test, +5 VU Psychic Power Range), Arboretum (Doubles 'Time In Void' w/out Crew/Pop Loss),
STORM Drop Pod Launch Bays (Holds 20 Pods, Launches 10 Per Strat Turn/30 minutes, KEEL Mount), Reinforced Prow (+1d5 Ramming Damage),
Cherubim Aerie (Best Quality), Crew Improvements: Good (+3 Morale Max), Ostentatious Displays of Wealth (Good Quality), Vaulted Ceilings (Best Quality),
Starchart Collection (-1d5+5Days Warp Travel Time, Min. 1 day), Storm Troopers (Best Quality) [x2HI Dmg H&R Attacks; +1d5Dam to Crew in DEF Boarding Actions],
Brig, Ship Stores (10 Space) (Extended Repair Actions +2 HI), Minelayer Bay (3 deployments),
Hydraphuran Jamming System (-20 to Focused Augury Tests to scan this vessel, no Silent Running when in use), Manufactorum,
Medicae Deck (3xIB Patients Treatable w/out Penalty (See Below) , Pilot's Chamber, Salvage Systems, Small Craft Repair Deck, Spacedock Piers,
Plasma Scoop, Field Bracing, Defensive Countermeasures (1 Use; Lasts 1d5+1 ST; -20 BS to attack ship, -30 for Torpedoes),
Flak Turrets (-10 Detection Penalty when in use), Fire Suppression System (1 User per ST; Difficult -10 tech-Use Test to extinguish 1 component on Fire),
Fleet Defense Turrets (2 points of turret rating may be loaned to another vessel within 2VU),
Complications / Past Histories
Resolute Machine Spirit, Turbulent Past (+20 ECCLESIARCHY, -20 MERCHANT GUILDS on all Social Tests)
Regular Merchants, Chartist Captains, Civilian Spaceports, and some Traders like J.Saul will not sell to this ship unless ordered by a Governor or such.
She's Just a Machine Spirit: The ship is run by an AI who's wonderful (and resolute) in almost all respects, and does well on such a huge ship.
but there are episodes where she's manic depressive, and physically attracted to a single character, usually a doctor, or an absolute looney about crew health.
This Machine spirit has a mind (or a mission) of its own. Also, in section Medicae, The ship's comm system to this area can suffer from Turrett Syndrome.
This is either humorous or subtracts 1d3 successes from actions in this area, depending on a mood and Command roll. (Random Difficulty)
If the Ad-Mechs fixed the Med-Deck problems, other systems would degrade, so they abide the quirks. Every Interaction with Medicae Deck
requires a test of some sort from the GM. Ship Officers tend to use the First Aid Station in the Drop-Pod Area and just not tell anyone.
In the Barracks Guard there serves a strange chaplain, actually a Child who sneezes constantly; is a high-ranking cleric/psyker in a well-known order that
serves the Sisters of Ebon Chalice, some say mutations make the boy never age, give his allergies, and allow him to somehow see the Will of the Emperor.
Stygies Pattern Bombardment Cannons [Strength: 3, Damage:1d10+7, Crit Rating: 2, Range: 5 >TURBO<] Location:PROW
Forward Line Firing Only, does not traverse an arc.
Staravar Laser Macrobattery (Archeotech) [Strength: 4, Damage:1d10+3, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 12] Location:PORT
Staravar Laser Macrobattery (Archeotech) [Strength: 4, Damage:1d10+3, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 12] Location:STARBOARD
Jovian Pattern Escort Bay [Strength: 2, Damage:x+x, Crit Rating: --, Range: ] Location:PORT
Jovian Pattern Escort Bay [Strength: 2, Damage:x+x, Crit Rating: --, Range: ] Location:STARBOARD
Godsbane Lance [Strength: 1, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 3, Range: 12] Location:PORT
Godsbane Lance [Strength: 1, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 3, Range: 12] Location:STARBOARD
Hecutor Pattern Plasma Battery [Strength: 3, Damage:1d10+3, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 11 >TURBO +5 on Ballistics Tests<] Location:KEEL