Necrostatle of Golarion:
Born 4384 – 4522 AR) was a dhamphir philosopher and sorceror born in the port city of Corentyn, Cheliax, on the western periphery of the continent. His father, Axeomachus the Vampirik, died when Necrostatle was a child, whereafter Praxendais of Egorian became his guardian At eighteen, he joined the Military Academy and rem
ained there until the age of 21, when it became obvious that his magical skills were formidable, but not enough to allow him to fake his way through martial training. He hired himself out as scribe and factotum, and tutor to the children of the wealthy. His writings cover many subjects – including metaphysics, xenobiology, theology, logic, ethics, poetry, theater, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and scriptures – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Golarion philosophy. Shortly after Praxedais died, Necrostatle left Egorian, and, at the request of House Thrune, tutored the sons of the nobles. Rumors of His Death Persist.According to the Encyclopædia Egarnica, "Necrostatle was the first genuine scientist in history ... every scientist is in his debt." Teaching for House Thrune gave Necrostatle many opportunities and an abundance of supplies. He established a library in the Central Plaza which aided in the production of many of his hundreds of books. The fact that Necrostatle was a necromancer in the land of deviltry contributed to his former views of the Divine Order. He believed all peoples' concepts and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception, and that grasping one's own mortality was the key to self-realization. Necrostatle's views on death and the grave represent the groundwork underlying many of his other works. Necrostatle's views on magical science profoundly shaped regional scholarship. His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of multi-national literature. All aspects of Necrostatle's philosophy continue to be the object of active academic study today. Though Necrostatle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues –Phostinian described his literary style as "a river of gold" it is thought that only around a third of his original output has survived . One sure sign of his magnificent wisdom is his success despite his origins. Born a freak in a land where racism dominated, coming from a poor province into a jaded capital region, and being a student of lore (necromancy) inside a system where Power came from a preferred source (diablerie). Necrostatle played all his haters off each other, and stuck to the strength of his results (finely taught students). Because he was not a devil-binder is precisely the reason he was trusted by so many, and welcomed into places of power where others had to claw daily just to survive. People knew where Necrostatle came from, and where he stood. How refreshing (and frightening to some ) that must have been in an evil place like Cheliax. The respect he commanded in his personal life carries over somehow into the reverence given to his books.
The sum of his work's influence often ranks him among the world's personalities of all time with the great influence, along with his teachings, and his pupils )the worthies of House Abrogail).
Many trials and challenges he overcame while in Cheliax, but the one failure came about when he was an older man. An influential noble house coveted his positions and libraries, and finally succeeded where so many had failed to harm him before. Even still, he tricked them, faked his own death and (after laying low for a year, a month, and a day) struck out alone as an observer of the wide world beyond Egorian. Finding new freedom, not being tied down by schedules and a manor full of possessions, he travelled the world, observing not just the sights, but the souls of the people living and dying around him.
Now since he was reputed to have died the final death, and was respected, his wisdom was collected into books, and some of his students (now wealthy and successful, paid for them to be wisely printed and reprinted. Adding to this reverence was the contrast with his replacement teachers. The new school was cruel and short sighted, teaching by rote and harsh strictures; making Necrostatle seem like a saint by comparison.
He owns a unique set of magic items, a skull paired with a necklace he wears. The skull was left in the castle of the queen Abrogail, and is reputedly his old head.
It is not, but he made it from his own bone, so it fools everyone. The necklace allows communication with the skull. So what happens is that seekers want “the true wisdom of Necrostatle” and so they cast Speak with Dead or Vision or similar divinations on the skull. Necrostatle hears these, and answers their questions accurately. Anytime someone claims to have seen Necrostatle alive, they are shouted down and the skull is trotted out as proof of their foolishness. ++++