
Ghost Busters Cosplay

in the Works

This is the starter Proton Kit I received in the mail.

Body of the Ghost Trap (I made)

Handle of Ghost Trap

(farther from hand than in movie model)

Whole Ghost Trap (on wheels)

Neutron Wand (made by Other, mod by me)

Business end of Neutron Wand (stream is uncrossed)

North End of Proton Pack (Mod by me)

South End of Proton Pack (Mod by me)

The round container is the unlicensed particle accelerator

Entire Proton Pack (4 of 5 lights working)

Armor, Night Vision Goggles, Anti-Slime Gloves

Optional Hat for Busting Holiday Spooks

The Dials on this Equipment go up to Eleven.