Crush Lenvaugh XP 76,800 CR 16
Male lawful envoy icon.
LG Medium monstrous humanoid (lawful)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +28
DEFENSE HP 280 RP 5 EAC 30; KAC 30
Fort +14; Ref +16; Will +19
DR 6/chaotic;
Weaknesses mildly agoraphobic, -2 on skills for every 7 people in the immediate area.
vulnerable to weapons dipped in outsider blood. (x3 damage)
dependent reads daily from a book called The Inexplicable River of The Lawgiver, -2 on all skills for each day skipped.
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft.
Melee peacemaker +26 (6d6+16 B; critical knockdown)
He's not a fighter per se, he has platoons of employess and loyal followers who will cheerfully use their rights to defend him and his property.
Str +1; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +4; Cha +10
Skills Bluff +33, Diplomacy +33, Engineering +28, Physical Science +28, Sense Motive +33, Profession (Orator) +33
Acrobatics +2; Athletics +2; Computers +6; Culture +2; Disguise +4; ; Intimidate +7; Life Sci +2;
Medicine +2; Mysticism +2; Piloting +2; Slt o'Hand +2; Stealth +2; Survival +2;
Languages Arkanen, Common, Limited telepathy, Triaxian, Vercite
Other abilities envoy improvisations (expert attack, situational awareness, sustained determination) has Inevitable blood in his ancestry somewhere.
Gear ready to wear echelon fashion, peacemaker, mindlink circlet mk 3, signal jammer (level 16), star-link
Crush Lenvaugh lives in the top floor of a hotel in Space Vegas, but far above all the sin and splendor that goes on below him.
He runs a media empire, that spans much of the Galaxy. He owns a piece of tech that transcends FTL communication "laws"
in a way that many would like to emulate, steal, or control. But all to no avail.
At the Vegas Star-Stone, he has emplaced a harmonic transmitter that rides the same pulses that enable navigation.
This does not interfere with nav in the slightest, and is not even detectable to normal sensors or cut-rate detectors.
But if one tunes their advanced long-range sensors just so, or buys one of the special "radios" that the Golden Broadcasting outlets sell, then
then they can listen to the daily rotation.
The crystal "radios" are cheap to begin with, and dozens of them end up in thrift stores anyways.
Crush does not broadcast 24 hours, but runs 4 hours every 36 hours, and each hour basically devoted to one topic.
Hour 1:Galactic News, then opinions on it 2: Galaxy Politics, then opinions of same. 3: Guests and Callers 4: Tech-Talk and Infomercial-like chats
It takes about 3 days for the signal to propagate to all star-tones and drift beacons, and from thence to cover the entire galaxy.
So his news is not live, and only covers (usually) things that affect large swaths of space or beings.
Probably not covered: local battles, local disasters, everyday crime or murders, icons of less than 13th level.
Most likely covered: ongoing wars of 4 planets or more, death or crime versus someone of planetary gov. rank or higher.
extra-galactic problems, like the Swarm, or the Mimics, Kaiju, etc. Truly charitable "Human Interest" stories.
The broadcasts are in Arkanen, which is as close to Galactic common as one gets. (It is not earth-English) Arkanen is the main language of the DANG.
Other outlets sell crystal sets which translate on the fly from Arkanen into various common or Trade languages or text based outputs.
Autocratic, Paranoid, or Totalitarian societies cannot stand his shows, but he is not "radio free galaxy" - he makes no attempt
to decry or foment against evil regimes. He just reports facts. Of course facts often make people hate those who probably deserve it,
such as the Azlanti, Pirates, Swarm, Greys, the Methanes, the Space Nazis, etc, etc. Because the very act of describing them, well you know....
Immunity (Ex Or Su) The creature takes no damage from the listed source. Creatures can be immune to certain types of damage, types of afflictions, conditions, spells (based on school, level, or save type), and other effects. A creature that is immune to critical hits doesn't take double damage or suffer critical hit effects. A creature that is immune to a listed source doesn't suffer from its effects or from any secondary effects that it would trigger. Immune to Charm, Psychics, and Sleep.
Inevitable Blooded: anything that will especially effect an Inevitable will also get him probably.
Spell Resistance (Ex) (23) The creature can avoid the effects of some spells and spell-like abilities that would directly affect it. Caster must attempt a caster level check (1d20 + caster level). If the result equals or exceeds the creature's spell resistance, the spell works normally, though the creature can still attempt any saving throws normally allowed.