magical technomancer
LG-LN Medium
monstrous humanoid
(magical, phrenic)
Init +7; Perception +26
Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsense (emotion) 15 ft.;
blindsense (temporal,dimensional) 75 ft.;
EAC 28; KAC 24 HP 235 RP 6
Fort +13; Ref +13; Will +20
Weaknesses see below
vulnerable to emotion spells; radiation spells.
Quirks and Faults:
ImpulsiveLoud (Minor Bad)Sesquipedalian (Minor; Bad)Temporal AmnesiaAdversary (Valeyard) Evil Copies of these Beings
Argumentative -- these boffins always right. (disad)
Distinctive -- -2 penalty to rolls to blend in. others have a +2 bonus to remember or recognise these boffins.
Eccentric -- somewhat off-putting and socially odd.
Obsession (major) -- travel the universe, and never get tied down.
Random Regenerator -- these boffins’s regenerations are entirely random.
OFFENSE: Speed 30 ft. Melee lightspeed starknife +22 (8d8+15 F & P)
Ranged banshee sonic pistol +24 (4d8+15 So; critical deafen)
Offensive abilities cache capacitor 2, magic hacks (countertech sentinel, spell library), spell cache
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 15th; ranged +24)
- 5th (3/day) - creation (level 5), dispel magic (greater)
- 4th (6/day) - arcane eye, dimension door (DC 24), overload systems (DC 24), soothing protocol
- 3rd (at will) - clairaudience/clairvoyance, probability prediction (DC 23)
Languages Arkanen, Common, Limited telepathy, advanced telepathy with each other.
Gear ready to wear echelon fashion, lightspeed starknife, banshee sonic pistol,
screamer grenade III, sonic screwdriver, etc
Artron Battery: these items are compatible with most devices.
They regen 1 charge per minute, and hold 200 charges.
They have loyal followers and spaceships, and a gigantic defense satellite around their home planet.
Doctor Feats: most of the doctors have most of the following abilities:Animal Friendship -- +2 Modifier To Any Charisma Skill Roll To Calm Or Control An Animal.Boffin -- allows the creation of gadgets.Brave -- +2 bonus to any resolve roll when these boffins needs to show courage.Charming -- +2 bonus to attempts to use certain charisma skills.Code Of Conduct (minor) -- these boffins have their own alien moral code.Epicurean Tastes -- +2 to appraise quality of luxury items and to impressing others with their taste and style.
Feel The Turn Of The Universe -- +2 bonus to awareness to detect something wrong with time or space.Friends (major) -- D.A.N.G. and those in the universe they have saved, or just shared a good conversation with.Hypnosis (minor) -- +2 bonus to control another’s emotional state.
Indomitable -- +4 bonus to any rolls to resist psychic control.Keen Senses (minor x2) -- +2 to awareness rolls that use smell or taste.Percussive Maintenance -- may re-roll repair attempts.
Psychic -- +4 against mental attacks and these boffins may attempt to read minds.Quick Reflexes -- these boffins always goes first in their action round unless taken by surprise.Resourceful Pockets -- roll two D20 and get a ‘double’ (or spend a resolve pt.) to find something you need.
Technically Adept -- +2 bonus to any technology roll to fix a broken or faulty device.Time Traveller (major) -- familiar with all tech levels.Tough -- reduce total damage suffered in any attack by DR 2.
Voice Of Authority -- +2 bonus to certain charisma based rolls.Drift-Travel -- they may pilot craft easily to the arcane parts of the drift, and gain a +2 bonus when doing so.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bio-rhythmic Control : The Gallifreyans (Who, When, How) can control all individual aspects of their bodily functions, including their heart rate, body temperature, etc. and can even place themselves in a self- induced coma. Effects: 1 resolve Point, they can use this Trait to achieve one effect related to the control of their body. This could be used to fake death; lower their physical need for oxygen ; or temperature; or even to use their hearts to tap out a message in code.
DR WHO (pic above)
Gets huffy when people mispronounce certain names and cities.
She talks to her equipment and gives it pet names
(i.e., “Mr. Limeshoes, I think it is time for us to beat a hasty retreat.)
Often corrects lesser people, especially on verb tenses describing time travel.
She's overtly honest, always telling the truth even to her own detriment.
She will often apologize for the above quirks......
This Gallifreyan has the most friends and connections, has the best charisma and social networking for the group. She may re-roll certain CHA based skill rolls.
Profession: Courtesan (she was destined to be the help for the Gallifreyan senate, but she was valedictorian in every school ; learned computers quite well, and kept making better decisions than her customer service skills.)DR WHAT (pic above)
He dislikes all martial artists, gladiators, and boxers. He thinks fighting is only good for cultural defense.
He also “Laughs at inappropriate times” - certain words or memories remind him of funny things, or odd trains of thought lead him to chuckle often, and its often unseemly. He often fails the Voice of Authority or the Hypnosis talents if something funny comes up. From the list of the talents above he has neither the Tech Adept or Percussive maintenance. He has a follower do most of the fixing needed.
His head tentacle can be used to slap (D4 dmg) or disarm opponents up to 45 feet away. He can pick-pockets or deactivate devices quite suddenly with it. He has multi-attack and long reach with it.
He was born on the Radioactive Wasteland, had a temporal mutation, and was noticed and recruited by the Time Boffins.
He is the best at Item Creation, and can invent gadgets and has new ideas the most often of this group.
Profession: Vid-Gamer (the only job he ever held as a youth)DR WHEN
She dislikes people who stand around and watch, or look at their PDA, when they could be cleaning or offering to help. She is the oldest Gallifreyan in the Time Boffin council. She is not in charge per se, but they listen to her wisdom often.
“She Never forgets a favor or a debt owed, or a major wrong done to her."
Also She keeps a journal, and daily writes a lot down (electronically)
Her voice is quite high, almost screechy, so she loses the Voice of Authority talent.
She has spent a lot of time judging others on who owes what favors, so that her Friends talent is largely useless. She is the best at Time Travel, and can avoid paradoxes, and avoid other villains or enemies who track through time. She pretty much never has travel mishaps, or appears inside solid objects, or has side-effects, etc.
Profession: Religious Musician (she was in the cathedral choir loft long ago)
DR. WHERE : She annoyingly always talks in 3rd person, even about herself, or others, or the dead, or future selves. It gets quite confusing.
She prefers aquatic places, but can float and fly wherever.
She suffers no sensory limitations underwater or in space.
He third eye can see the future, can see magic and psychic energy, and can read motives easily from the skin and aura of nearby beings.
Her alien physiology and mutation (She was a Dirindri) have altered her pheromones and scents. Some humanoids can find her presence disgusting, but she bathes and perfumes regularly versus this.
She is the best at Teleportation, and can infiltrate enemy HQs, or shielded places or secret hideouts with ease. She is an excellent navigator, whether at sea, temporally, spatially, or dimensionally.
Profession: Politician (she left the Dirindri parliament from the Pact Worlds)
DR WHY: As a Kasatha, he also speaks Kasathan, and holds their culture in high regard. He has been known to prefer or perform first any missions that aid them.
From the list of the talents above he has neither the Charming, Animal Friendship, or Epicurean abilities.
He is Always bragging about past accomplishments, and so wastes about 5% of the time (with new acquaintances) making sure they know of his good deeds.
It Only strengthens his resolve when told, “It’ll never make any difference”; or “This can't possibly work”. So When NPCs say discouraging things, he gets +1 on related skill checks, and also if he rolls a 6 on D6, his Resolve point is not used up when “spent”.
He is the best at detecting moral needs. He can usually wisely determine whether something should be done or not (like should a villain be killed or imprisoned, should an enemy city be bombed, invaded, or besieged, should a macguffin be locked away in a vault or tossed into the sun, etc, etc)
Profession: Lab-Tech he was a college teacher, of Bio-Ethics.
Has wings, and flies, up to 1650 mph in atmosphere,
and 37500 mph in space.
She dislikes all addicts strongly and will no doubt say something to them to either discourage that or encourage a cure. From the list of the talents above she has neither the Touch or Indomitable. The horns above her head always glow, and cannot be disguised. They are light blue on average. They detect evil and turn more and more red as evil aligned, demonic, or more evil hit dice show up in sight range.
She was born Gallifreyan, but has technomagically augmented. herself to incredible levels.
She is best at arcane knowledge, she can detect magic up to a mile away, She may re-roll dispel attempts that fail.
Profession: Bounty Hunter (when she was quite young she was a goblin slayer, and worked at cleaning up gangs and alien scum off Gallifrey)