Captain Harkonder
Captain Harkonder
Male Half-Elf Bard 5 / Fighter 5
True Neutral
Representing ELD_NAPC
Total Hit Points: 84
Speed: 35 feet [fleet]
Armor Class: 18 = 10 + 3 [studded] + 1 [buckler] + 4 [dexterity]
- Touch AC: 14
- Flat-footed: 14
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
58 lb. or less
59-116 lb.
117-175 lb.
175 lb.
350 lb.
875 lb.
Aklo Aquan Common Draconic
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Scimitar [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]
Pistol [1d10, crit x3, range incr 50 ft, 3 lb, piercing]
Studded armor [light; + 3 AC; max dex + 6; check penalty 0 20 lb.] ; arcane spell failure 5%
Buckler [ + 1 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 5; 5 lb.]
* = check penalty for armor/shield
** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers
Zero-level Bard spells: Unlimited casting of cantrips known
First-level Bard spells: 5 (4 + 1) per day
Second-level Bard spells: 2 per day
Favored class points: Hit points +5; Skill points +5
Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment.
- This half-elf chose +2 to intelligence (already included)
- Immune to magical sleep
- Allowed two favored classes. Here I am assuming it is the first two favored classes.
- Take a skill focus as a bonus feat at level 1
- + 2 racial bonus on saves vs. enchantments
- Low-light vision
- + 1 racial bonus on perception checks
- + 2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks
- Bardic Knowledge
- Bardic Performance -- 4 + chr mod rounds per day. Two more rounds day for each level above 1.
- Cantrips
- Can know only limited numbers of spells
- High charisma gains bonus spells daily
- Countersong
- Distraction
- Fascination
- Inspire Courage +1
- Versatile Performance (Level 2) -- you'll need to hand-edit
- Well-Versed (Level 2) -- +4 on saves vs other bards, and sounds in general
- Inspire Competence +2 (Level 3)
- Inspire Competence +4 (Level 11)
- Inspire Competence +5 (Level 15)
- Inspire Competence +6 (Level 19)
- Mass Suggestion (Level 18)
- Inspire Courage +2 (Level 5)
- Lore Master 1/day (Level 5)
- Lore Master 2/day (Level 11)
- Suggestion (Level 6)
- Versatile Performance (Level 6) -- you'll need to hand-edit
- Inspire Competence +3 (Level 7)
- Dirge of Doom (Level 8)
- Inspire Greatness (Level 9)
- Versatile Performance (Level 10) -- you'll need to hand-edit
- Jack of All Trades (Level 10)
- Soothing Performance (Level 12)
- Frightening Tune (Level 14)
- Versatile Performance (Level 14) -- you'll need to hand-edit
- Inspire Heroics (Level 15)
- Lore Master 3/day (Level 17)
- Versatile Performance (Level 18) -- you'll need to hand-edit
- Deadly Performance (Level 20)
- Concentration check: d20 + bard level + charisma modifier vs. DC
- Bonus Feats (already included)
- Armor training -- penalties for armor decrease by one each at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15
- At level 3, moves at normal speed in medium armor. At level 7, moves at normal speed in any armor.
- Bravery -- +1 on saves vs fear (level 2), increases by one at level 6, 10, 14, 18
- Weapon training 1; at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17, chooose one group of weapons and take +1 on attacks and damage from this group and all groups previously selected. Mark here:
- Level 5:
- Level 9:
- Level 13:
- Level 17:
- Armor Mastery (level 19) -- Damage reduction 5/- wearing any armor or using any shield
- Weapon Mastery (level 20) -- choose one weapon for which all critical threats confirmed and damage multiplier increased by 1; cannot be disarmed when using it
Captain Harkonder's Equipment:
- 33 lb
- 2 lb
- 25 lb
- 1 lb
- 1 lb
- 1 lb
- 3 lb
- 2 lb
- _____
- 68 lb
- Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
- Bullets (10) x1
- Chest
- Flint and steel
- Mirror
- Spyglass
- Hourglass
- Musical instrument
- Spell component pouch
- Total
- Also...
- master compass
More about Captain Harkonder:
- pirate captain