Advanced Biostatistics

Lecturer: Kwang-Ming Liu (劉光明)


Phone: 02-24622192#5018 


Course ID: M370146B

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Calculus, biostatistics 

Course Description and Goals:

The optimum models on biological data analysis. The class will include regression analysis and analysis of variance.

Schedule Type:  Lectures and computer lab. 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

1. Introduction of Data Analysis

-- Review of Basic Statistic Concepts

2. Regression Analysis

-- Simple Regression Analysis Model

-- Biase and Adjustment of the Model

-- Test of Regression Significance

3. Introduction of SAS and its application

4. Diagnostics and remedial measures

5. Simultaneous inferences and other topics in regresstion Analysis

6. Matrix approach to simple linear regression analysis

7. Multiple regression

8.Building the regression model