Aquatic Microbiology

Lecturer: Kuo-Kau Lee (李國誥)


Phone:  (02)-2462-2192#5201~5203 


Course ID: M3301293

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Courses related to food processing in the undergraduate. 

Course Description and Goals:

Aquatic Microbiology studies the ecology of microbes in aquatic environments. These aquatic microbes include viruses, bacteria, fungi, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. Research spans a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from the molecular biology and physiology towards the population dynamics and ecosystem ecology of aquatic microbes.

Aquatic Microbiology has both fundamental and applied aspects. Fundamental research focuses on unraveling of the molecular, physiological, and ecological properties of the    To explain the principle of traditional food processes such as canning, freezing preservation, chilling storage, dehydration, and concentration and their combination processing via the principles of physics.

Humans live in a world where the recycling of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur is performed by microorganisms. Microorganisms form the bottom of aquatic food chains. Aquatic microorganisms include phytoplankton, zooplankton, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. How do we understand the function and identity of organisms that can not be seen with the human eye? The objectives are to provide students with an understanding of: 

(1) The role, identity, and properties of microorganisms in aquatic ecosystems. 

(2) Microorga 

Heat transfer in foods, Heat processing, preservation of food by storage at chilling, Freezing preservation, concentration of foods, Dehydration of foods, Freeze dehydration of foods 

Schedule Type:  

Chapters in Physical Principles of Food Preservation were used as teaching materials by oral 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

1st wk: Introduction

2nd wk: Heat transfer in foods

3rd to 7th wk: Heat processing

8th to 9th wk: preservation of food by storage at chilling

10th to 11th wk: Freezing preservation

12th to 13th wk: concentration of foods

14th to 15th wk: Dehydration of foods

16th to 17th wk: Freeze dehydration of foods

18th wk: term paper and oral presentation