Advanced Aquaculture

Lecturer: Te-Hua Hsu (徐德華)


Phone:  02-24622192 # 5222 


Course ID: M3301301

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

To understand what is aquaculture and how to practice aquaculture

1. Introduction of aquaculture

2. Introduction of aquaculture economics and marketing

3. Introduction of recirculating eel culture system

4.Milkfish aquaculture

5. Tilapia aquaculture

6. Marine fish culture

7. Review of grouper hatchery technology

8. Technology and management of prawn culture and breeding

9. Hard clam culture

10. Abalone culture

11. Aquaculture in Taiwan

12. Disease control in aquaculture

13. Application of biotechnology in aquaculture 

Schedule Type:  Class lectures, Discussion, Field trips 

Course Schedule (subject to change): According to the text book and ppt.