Topics in Language Learning Anxiety

Lecturer: Tsung-Yuan Hsiao (蕭聰淵)


Phone:  02-24622192#2003 


Course ID:  M9D010RZ

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

This course introduces students to research on language learning anxiety. We will identify and discuss current trends and controversial issues most important to anxiety or apprehension arising from learning or using a second/foreign language (L2). Our focus will be on understanding the relationship between anxiety and L2 achievement. An additional focus will be on exploring the potential role(s) of culture in moderating this relationship. To this end, we will discuss scholarly works dealing specifically with this relationship. Suggested papers for classroom discussions and presentations will be listed on the instructor’s MOODLE ( Classroom interactions and discussions via the MOODLE will be much emphasized throughout this course. Students completing this course are expected to gain a basic understanding of research on L2 anxiety. This understanding will benefit them should they wish to continue further studies. 

Schedule Type:  

Group discussion, synchronous online discussion, oral presentation, & written assignments (reaction papers). 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Week 1: Introduction to this seminar course. 

Week 2: Park, G.-P., & French, B. F. (2013). Gender differences in the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. System, 41(2), 462-471.


To be updated on Stay tuned in class.