AI in biology and medicine

Lecturer: Kuan-Yuan Chang (張光遠 )


Phone: (02)24622192 #6649 


Course ID:  M57013R6 

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites:Linear algebra and Programming experiences are required 

Course Description and Goals:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced modern biology and medicine. The goal of this course is to teach computational scientists and biomedical scientists the AI methods used in modern biomedicine. This course primarily focuses on the fundamentals of machine learning methods, which can be applied to biological and medical data. 

1. Genes, gene expression, RNA-seq

2. Regression, Error

3. RNA-seq read mapping, DNA microarray

4. Probability, likelihood, and inference

5. Mixture model (K-means, Expectation maximization)

6. Classification (Logistic regression)

7. Introduction to Deep Learning(Biological neural networks, Convolutional neural networks)

8. Clustering analysis

9. Dimensionality reduction (Principal component analysis)

10. Data visualization (t-SNE)

11. Hidden Markov Model

12. Special topics 

Schedule Type: Class Notes,Journal articles,Homework 

Course Schedule (subject to change):None