Marine Evolutionary Biology and Endocrinology

Lecturer: Ching-Fong Chang   (張清風)


Phone:  02-24622192 # 5209 


Course ID: D33014O5 

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Biology

Course Description and Goals:

To understand the function and mechanism in evolution and endocrinology of marine organisms. It contains different issues of endocrine hormones such as classification, biosynthesis, hormone releasing, and metabolism, and the regulation of physiological response in different endocrine systems. 

1. Introduction. Comparative and evolutionary endocrinology Bases of vertebrate phylogeny. 

2. Gene and genome duplications. 

3. Endocrine axes in vertebrates and invertebrates. General description. Origin and evolution. Specificities of brain-pituitary functional anatomy in marine organisms. 

4. The gonadotropic axis and the control of reproduction. Components, origin, evolution, role and special features in marine organisms. 

5. The thyrotropic axis and the control of development, metabolism, migration, metamorphosis. Components, origin, evolution, role and special features in marine organisms. 

6. The somatotropic axis and the control of growth and various other functions. Components, origin, evolution, role and special features in marine organisms. 

7. The corticotropic axis and the control of stress, metabolism and other functions. Components, origin, evolution, role and special features in marine organisms. 

Schedule Type:  

Reality and online teaching 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Base on the lecture schedule