Developmental Biology

Lecturer: Bo-Kai Liao (廖柏凱)


Phone:  02-24622192 # 5242 


Course ID: M330134B

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Biology 

Course Description and Goals:

Embryonic development is an important fundamental to reach complete aquaculture, and is highly related other disciplines, like congenital disorder, epigenetics, transgenesis, cell biology, etc. This course is aimed to provide basic knowledge of developmental biology to undergraduate students and lead to be aware of latest biotechniques in the field. Discussion on the comparative developmental biology in molecular and cellular mechanisms is the focus during this course. In addition to lecture, practical experiments are included. The design of the experimental workflow is systematic operations from DNA modification to cell/tissue levels then to organism inspection by working with fish embryos.

1. Concepts and history of developmental biology

 2. Emerging of asymmetry 

3. Comparative developmental biology and evolution

 4. Biotechnology in developmental biology 

Schedule Type:  Lecture, Discussion 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Week 1: History and basic concepts 

Week 2: Model systems 

Week 3: Fertilization and the zygote 

Week 4: Cleavage and morula 

Week 5: Signal transduction in development

 Week 6: Formation of the blastula 

Week 7: Symmetric breaking 

Week 8: Formation of the axes and germ layers

 Week 9: Formation of the gastrula 

Week 10: Formation of the early nervous system

 Week 11: Early formation of the heart and other primitive structures 

Week 12: Segmentation and biological timing 

Week 13: Organogenesis Week 

14: Epigenetics during early development

 Week 15: Regeneration and development 

Week 16: Evolution and development

 Week 17: Final exam

 Week 18: Reports and discussion