Consumer Behaviors

Lecturer: Yu-Kai Huang (黃昱凱)


Phone: 02-24622192#3505


Course ID:  B7601Z1V

Credits: 2

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

The goal of the course is to let students know the analysis structure of consumer behavior, and explain how the marketing mix matches the consumer behavior theory, develop marketing strategies for goods or services, and finally through case analysis to illustrate well-known consumer behavior and marketing cases. In addition, this course will also emphasize the current status of artificial intelligence in future marketing and various industries. 

Schedule Type:  Class explanation, case teaching 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Week 01: Course introduction 

Week 02: Consumer Behavior Analysis Framework 

Week 03: Internal factors affecting consumer behavior 

Week 04: Technology Acceptance Model and Project Behavior Theory 

Week 05: Family life cycle 

Week 06: External factors affecting consumer behavior 

Week 07: Impact of cultural and economic factors on behavior 

Week 08: Service Quality Topic 

Week 09: Midterm exam 

Week 10: Effects of attitude, service quality, and perceived value on behavior 

Week 11: Consumer decision-making process 

Week 12: An innovation diffusion model 

Week 13: Service failures and remedies 

Week 14: Big data and data analysis 

Week 15: Application of artificial intelligence in behavior analysis 

Week 16: Case analysis: 

Week 17: Group Report 

Week 18: Final exam