Main Topics in Seismology: Shallow Earthquakes and the Crust

Lecturer: Yi-Ling Huang (黃怡陵)


Phone: 886-2-2462-2192#6512 


Course ID: D86011SH 

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Geophysics 

Course Description and Goals:

1. To guide the students: a. the main research topics in seismology b. the importance of those topics c. what kind of science problems the research results can answer 

2. To train the students to think about the topic this interests them and learn how to start their researches in the beginning. 

Schedule Type:  

Dictation and discussion. Journal paper reading. Special interesting subject presentation. 

Course Schedule (subject to change): 

Every topic needs: 4 weeks for dictation + 2 weeks for leading the students to read journal papers.