Molecular Ecology

Lecturer: Chien-Hui Yang (楊倩惠)


Phone:  (02) 24622192# 5326 


Course ID: M34013O5

Credits: 2

Course Prerequisites: Biology, Biochemistry 

Course Description and Goals:

This course is for introducing how molecular techniques can be used to tackle various ecological questions.

This course will introduce a variety of molecular techniques, from traditional protein electrophoresis, DNA direct sequencing, and microsatellite selection to the newly next generation sequencing (NGS). These techniques will be explained how to apply on different ecological topics, eg. cryptic species and phenotype, hybridization, gene expressions, adaptation and phylogeography etc. 

Schedule Type:  Power point, textbook and papers reading 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Week 1: Introduction on Molecular Ecology+ Protein electrophoresis 

Week 2: Mitochondrial DNA 

Week 3: Double tenth Day, Off 

Week 4: General nuclear genetic markers 

Week 5: DNA fingerprinting 

Week 6: Microsatellite & SNPs 

Week 7: High Throughput Sequencing 

Week 8: Mid-term test, paper report 

Week 9: Genome screening-Next Generation Sequencing 

Week 10: DNA barcoding 

Week 11: Metagenomics & eDNA 

Week 12: Phylogeography 

Week 13: Evolution and phylogeny 

Week 14: Genetics Analysis of Single Populations 

Week 15: Behavioral Ecology 

Week 16: Conservation Genetics 

Week 17: Oral presentation