Linear Algebra

Lecturer: Wu-Hsun Chung (鍾武勳)


Phone: 02-2462-2192#7015


Course ID: B6801S60

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

Linear algebra and matrix theory are fundamental to the study of knowledge areas such as natural sciences and engineering. The purpose of this course is to enable students to have a preliminary understanding of the basic theory of linear algebra (vector/matrix), and have basic operation and calculation skills, and then have the basic application ability of using computers to perform numerical operations.

Schedule Type: Lecture, Discussion, Calculation Practice, Class activities, Quiz

Course Schedule (subject to change) : 1st week: Introduction to Syllabus 2nd week: Systems of Linear Equations 3rd week: Matrices 4th week: Matrices 5th week: Determinants 6th week: Vector Spaces 7th week: Vector Spaces 8th week: Midterm 9th week: Inner Product Space 10th week: Inner Product Space 11th week: Linear Transformations 12th week: Linear Transformations 13th week: Linear Programming 14th week: Numerical Methods and Computer Practices 15th week: Numerical Methods and Computer Practices 16th week: Final Exam 17th week: Supplement Learning 18th week: Supplement Learning