Classification and investigation of ichthyoplankton

Lecturer: Y.C. Wang (王怡甄)


Phone: (02)2462-2192 ext 5022


Course ID: M31014PQ

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: 


Course Description and Goals:

Course objectives focus on introducing students to know how used to identify ichthyoplankton using morphological characters. And provide an understanding of identifying ichthyoplankton and its applications in the fisheries sciences and related fields.

Schedule Type:  Oral lecturing, reference discussion and report, and operation.

Course Schedule :

 Week 1~2:Introduction the basic knowledge of sampling methods and conservation, species identification of ichthyoplankton.  Week 3~5:Samples identification and operation (anchovy fishery).  Week 6-7:Introduction with the assemblage structure related to the variation of the ocean environment, the impact of human activities, and climate change with ichthyoplankton resources.  Week 8~9:Mid-term reference report.  Week 10~12:Samples identification and operation (Sakura Shrimp Fishery).  Week 13~14:Samples identification and operation (the resources of leptocephalus and glass eel).  Week 15~16:Final-term reference report.