Transport and Logistics Information System

Lecturer: Meng-Ru Tu (杜孟儒)


Phone: 02-2462-2192#7025 


Course ID: B6803K5J

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Database systems 

Course Description and Goals:

This course has two main objectives. The first objective is to introduce to students various technologies, latest developments, and different functions of Transportation and Logistics Information Systems (TLIS). The second objective of this course intents to help students learn to analyze and design TLIS. On completion of this course, students should be able to understand the role of information systems in transportation and logistics application and acquire hands on experience in analyzing and designing TLIS.c

 This course covers the following topics: 

1. Transportation and Logistics Information Systems(TLIS) operations 

2. Introduction to TLIS information technology 

3. Database programming fundamentals: SQL 

4. Advanced database programming: Advanced SQL 

5. Conceptual introduction to data warehouse and big data analytics 

6. Design of TLIS: Requirements determination and use case analysis 

7. Design of TLIS: Object-Oriented analysis and design 

8. Design of TLIS: Database design and implementation 

9. Design of TLIS: Architecture design and implementation issue 

10. TLIS design and implementation 

11. Introduction to RFID and Internet of Things (IoT) 

Schedule Type:Lecture, Class discussion, Computer Tutoring, TA assistance 


Course Schedule (subject to change):

1. Transportation and Logistics Information Systems(TLIS) operations

 2. Introduction to TLIS information technology 

3. Database programming fundamentals: SQL

 4. Advanced database programming: Advanced SQL 

5. Conceptual introduction to data warehouse and big data analytics 

6. Design of TLIS: Requirements determination and use case analysis 

7. Design of TLIS: Object-Oriented analysis and design 

8. Midterm exam (SQL) (1 week) 

9. Design of TLIS: Database design and implementation 

10. Design of TLIS: Architecture design and implementation issue 

11. TLIS design and implementation 

12. Introduction to RFID and Internet of Things (IoT) 

13. Final project report (1 week)