Mesoscale-scale and Large-scale Waves in the Ocean

Lecturer: Yu-Hsin Cheng (鄭宇昕)


Phone: 02-2462-2192 # 6316


Course ID: D810157S

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Oceanography 

Course Description and Goals:

By the end of the course, student should be able to understand the properties and behavior of meso-scale and large-scale wave motion, and their importance to the marine environment.

1.Equations of Motion 

2.Rotation and Stratification 

3.Surface Gravity Waves 

4.Internal Gravity Waves 

5.Large-scale Hydrostatic Motions 

6.Shallow Water Waves: Poincare and Kelvin waves 

7.Rossby and Topography waves 

8.Equatorial Beta-Plane and Equatorila Waves 

9.Stratifed Quasi-Geostrophic Motion and Instability waves 

10. experiment and equipment of physical oceanography 

Schedule Type:  Lecture

Course Schedule (subject to change):  None