Special Topics on Western Tropical Pacific Paleoclimatology

Lecturer: Min-Te Chen (陳明德)

Email: mtchen@mail.ntou.edu.tw 

Phone: 886-2-2462-2192#6503 

Webpage: ies.ntou.edu.tw/p/404-1080-49374.php?Lang=zh-tw 

Course ID: D86011SF

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

Special Topics on Western Tropical Pacific Paleoclimatology

This course is for postgraduate and five- year students to study the Earth's environment, paleo-ocean and paleoclimate, and book discussions and oral reports on global climate change. Sophomores to seniors are also welcome to take this course to participate in experimental practice. and work-study (NT4000.-/month); if there are foreign students taking electives, the whole course will be taught in English

Schedule Type:  Discussion

Course Schedule (subject to change): None